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澳门威斯人游戏网站官网硕博连读研究生卢昱霏同学参加2023 Asian Finance Association (AsianFA)

[发布日期]:2023-06-29  [浏览次数]:

一、主题:From Promise to Peril: Corporate Liquidity Effect of Performance Commitment Clauses in Acquisitions

二、汇报人:卢昱霏 2022级金融学硕博连读生


四、摘要:This study investigates the impact of performance commitment clauses in mergers and acquisitions (M&As) on the corporate liquidity of the acquirer. Using a sample of Chinese M&A deals from 2007 to 2019, we find that firms signing performance commitment clauses in acquisitions are associated with lower liquidity, particularly in deals with incentive provisions. This liquidity effect is more prominent when corporate governance is weaker and information opacity is high, which we attribute to increased managerial optimism and risk preference. Furthermore, we observe that performance commitment clauses may increase the investment inefficiency and financial distress of the acquiring firm. Our research uncovers potential risks associated with corporate liquidity for acquirers when including performance commitment clauses in M&A.








上一条:关于公布澳门威斯人游戏网站官网第十二届全国卓越金融学子夏令营入营名单的通知(更新递补名单) 下一条:“数字与绿色金融前沿”暑期课程暨金融工程系Seminar第24期
