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[发布日期]:2012-06-14  [浏览次数]:



“亚太经济与金融论坛”由澳门威斯人游戏网站官网与2007年9月发起,美国、澳大利亚、日本等国家著名大学和科研机构协办的定期高层学术论坛。2007年9月、2008年11月、2009年12月和2010年11月,澳门威斯人游戏网站官网先后以“中国银行业的开放与银行法人治理”、“中国金融改革30年回顾与展望”、“后危机时期全球经济面临的新挑战”、“经济复苏、结构调整与制度创新”为题成功举办了四届“亚太经济与金融论坛”。全国人大财经委员会副主任吴晓灵女士、国际货币基金组织特别顾问朱民先生、国家统计局局长马建堂先生、美国斯坦福大学经济学教授Ronald McKinnon先生、澳大利亚驻华大使Geoff Raby先生、中央财经大学校长王广谦教授、美国加州大学戴维斯分校经济学教授兼中央财经大学讲座教授Wing Thye Woo(胡永泰)先生等应邀发表了主旨演讲。来自北京大学、清华大学、中国人民大学、中国社会科学院、复旦大学等全球三十多所高校的学者出席了这四届论坛,第一财经日报、新浪网、教育部学术会议在线等重要财经媒体和学术会议传媒给与了全面报道,产生了非常积极的社会影响。



Barry Eichengreen,美国加州大学伯克利分校经济学教授,澳门威斯人游戏网站官网讲座教授

Wing Thye Woo(胡永泰),美国加州大学戴维斯分校经济学教授,澳门威斯人游戏网站官网讲座教授

Naoyuki Yoshino(吉野直行),日本庆应大学经济学教授

Menzie David Chinn(陈庚辛),美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校教授

Yung Chul Park, 原韩国总统经济顾问,高丽大学经济学教授

Premachandra Athukorala,澳大利亚国立大学经济学教授

Ulrich Volz,德国发展中心高级经济学家

David Dollar,前世界银行经济学家


















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Call for Papers: The Fifth Asia-Pacific Forum on Economics and Finance

“Global Economic and Finance Administrations under the European Sovereign Debt Crisis”

Beijing, China, November 31-December 1, 2012

(Papers Due: November 5)

The Fifth Asia-Pacific Forum on Economics and Finance is organized by School of Finance at Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE), in partnership with Global Excellence Center at Keio University and Graduate School of International Studies at Korea University. The theme of this forum is “Global Economic and Finance Administrations under the European sovereign debt crisis”.

1. Background

The Asia-Pacific Forum on Economics and Finance was initiated by School of Finance at Central University of Finance and Economics in September of 2007, in partnership with some famous institutions of United States, Australia and Japan. Four forums were held in last five years successively. In these forums, we invited famous economists, experts, governors both from China and aboard, including Wu Xiaoling (vice president of the National People’ Congress of China), Zhu Ming (Special Adviser of IMF), Wang Guangqian (President of CUFE), Ma Jiantang (director of the National Bureau of Statistics of China), Ronald McKinnon (economics professor of Stanford University), Geoff Raby (Australia’s Ambassador to China), Wing Thye Woo (economics professor in University of California, Davis, Yangtze River scholar of School of Finance at CUFE) and etc. The attendees were from many famous universities in China and aboard, including Peking University, Tsinghua University, Renming University, Fudan University, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and etc. These forums were reported by Financial News, China Science-Meeting Online, China Finance and Sina Finance, and yielded significant positive social impacts.

The European sovereign debt crisis has bringing a high risk to the global economy and finance in 2012. In the Euro area, the crisis is deteriorating in some countries with large sovereign bond and spreading to other countries; and it challenges the Euro system. The sovereign bond crisis has gradually becoming an economic crisis and it yielded a significant negative impact on global economy. The uncertainty of global economy is rising, and the probability of second round global recession is increasing. Under this adverse international circumstance, the growth rate of China’s trade is lowering, the expected economy growth rate become pessimistic. Therefore, in order to improve global economy, it is necessary to coordinate policies internationally, to adjust international economic and finance order, and to promote structural reform..

To enhance communication and discussion of the measures to sustain global economy and finance among scholars in China and aboard , School of Finance at CUFE plans to launch the Fifth Asia-Pacific Forum on Economics and Finance from November 30 to December 1 in 2012, in partnership with Global Excellence Center at Keio University and Graduate School of International Studies at Korea University. The theme of this forum is “Global Economic and Finance Administrations under Europe Sovereign Bond Crisis”.

2. Speakers

Barry Eichengreen,economics professor in University of California, Berkeley, Yangtze River scholar of School of Finance at CUFE.

Wing Thye Woo, economics professor in University of California, Davis, Yangtze River scholar of School of Finance at CUFE.

Naoyuki Yoshino, economics professor in Keio University, Japan.

Menzie David Chinn, economics professor in University of Wisconsin.

Yung Chul Park, economics professor in Korea University.

Premachandra Athukorala, economics professor in Australia’s National University.

Ulrich Volz, advance economist in German Development Institute.

David Dollar, former Economist in World Bank.

Wu Xiaoling, vice president of the National People’ Congress of China, president of PBC School of Finance in Tsinghua University.

Yu Yongding, researcher of the Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

Zhang Jianhua, director of the Research Department of the People’s Bank of China.

Zhang Yansheng, secretary general of Academic Board in the National Development and Reform Commission.

3. Topics

(1) Reasons and effects of European sovereign debt crisis;

(2) Eurosystem reform and its future;

(3) G20 summit and global policy coordination;

(4) Reform of international monetary system;

(5) Reform of international finance regulation system;

(6) Reform of international finance institutions;

(7) Adjustment of global imbalance;

(8) China’s growth pattern adjustment;

(9) New development of financial innovation and financial sector reform;

(10) Development of corporation finance, asset pricing and financial market;

(11) Other related topics.

4. Submission

All submitted papers should be in Chinese or English, and should be unpublished. Please typeset the submitted papers in international academic style. All papers must be submitted electronically in WORD and be mailed to address: yataiforum@gmail.com with the subject of “APF 2012 Submission” and your name before November 5, 2012. The PDF version of papers is not accepted. Invitation will be sent to you before November 15, 2012. Excellent papers will be published in the conference proceedings.

5. Contact Information

Huang Zhigang: +86-138-1173-9910

Zhang Fang: +8610-6228-8509

Email: yataiforum@gmail.com

School of Finance, Central University of Economics and Finance

Organizing Committee of the Fifth Asia-Pacific Forum on Economics and Finance

上一条:中央财经大学第三届“全国卓越金融学子夏令营”招生公告 下一条:第二届亚太经济与金融论坛征文启事
