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征文启示:《Emerging Markets Finance and Trade》(SSCI)特刊

[发布日期]:2017-09-18  [浏览次数]:


中央财经大学将与国际期刊Emerging Markets Finance and Trade(SSCI,影响因子:0.826,http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/mree20)合作组织一期特刊,推动对新兴市场国家的经济发展和合作的研究。特刊的主题是“On the way to the Silk Road: Trade, Investment and Finance in Emerging Economies”。我们诚邀广大学者投稿。


· “一带一路”相关问题

· 金融市场与金融机构

· 行为金融学

· 房地产金融

· 全球金融市场的关系

· 金融风险的管理

· 金融市场的微观结构

· 投资和资产组合管理

· 资产定价

· 资本市场管理

· 金融监管

客座主编: 李建军、黄志刚,中央财经大学





Special issue and Call for Papers: Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (SSCI)

Title: On the way to the Silk Road: Trade, Investment and Finance in Emerging Economies

After decades high growth rates, emerging markets become an important economic force in the global economy. However, the sustainability of high growth is not promised under unstable global economy. Under this background, China puts forward the idea of “the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road” to promote the economic communications and cooperation among emerging markets. How to improve the cooperation among emerging markets? How to promote economic development of emerging markets? How should emerging markets respond to the changing international environment? These issues become urgent needs to be understood for emerging market countries.

The Central University of Finance and Economics, China, will organize a special issue in Emerging Markets Finance and Trade (current SSCI impact factor: 0.826, http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/mree20), to promote understanding of development of emerging markets and cooperation among them. The theme of the issue is “On the way to the Silk Road: Trade, Investment and Finance in Emerging Economies”. We invite submissions for this special issue.

Topics: We welcome submissions related to critical issues and challenges in emerging economies, including, but not limited to, the following:

·Topics related to “the Belt and Road”

·Financial Markets and Institutions

·Behavioral Finance

·Real Estate Finance and Markets

·Global Financial Market Linkages

·Financial Risk Management

·Market Microstructure

·Investments and Portfolio Management


·Capital Markets Governance

·Financial Regulations

Guest Editors: Jianjun Li and Zhigang Huang, Central University of Finance and Economics

Submission Process: Participants are invited to submit their completed individual papers to Dr. Zhigang Huang at sfconference2017@163.com by the deadline below.

The special issue committee will first evaluate the papers and then invite selected papers to be submitted to the journal for the review process. The selected papers will go through the journal’s standard submission process and the standard submission fee applies.

Submission Deadline: December 1, 2017

Contact information: Dr. Zhigang Huang, sfconference2017@163.com

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