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才静涵 | 金融工程系第21期Seminar暨第358期澳门威斯人游戏网站官网双周学术论坛

[发布日期]:2022-06-02  [浏览次数]:

一、题目:Does sentiment depend on reference level? Evidence from Hong Kong Typhoon Signals


才静涵,美国斯科兰顿大学金融学副教授,波士顿学院经济学博士,香港城市大学金融学博士,深交所金融学博士后。曾就职于深圳证券交易所综合研究所及中国银行总行。在The Review of Financial Studies, Economics Letters, Finance Research Letters, Journal of Private Equity, Economics Bulletin, 《管理科学学报》《中国金融学》等期刊发表论文数十篇。研究领域包括金融市场微观结构、行为金融学、投资者行为等。


四、地点:腾讯会议 ID:930-435-304

五、主持人: 姜富伟教授,金融工程系主任


We find empirical evidence supporting the expectation-based reference- dependent preference through the positive sentiment created by holidays using the unique features of Hong Kong stock market. First, we find that sentiment is experienced relative to a reference level: The stock market goes up on the days with likely day-off from looming typhoons and this typhoon effect is stronger than the holiday effect from weekends and public holidays. Second, the reference level for sentiment is based on expectation: The stock market goes up more on days with stronger typhoon signal and under strengthening typhoon signals but goes up less under weakening signals. Third, the informativeness of a signal is important such that barely informative good news can be undesirable: The stock market goes down under weak standby typhoon signals.


上一条:张成思 | 经济与金融名家论坛第105期 下一条:澳门威斯人游戏网站官网6月学术活动预告
