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韩晗 | 货币经济沙龙第13期暨澳门威斯人游戏网站官网双周论坛第362期

[发布日期]:2022-08-27  [浏览次数]:

一、主讲题目1:货币和信用再审视(Money and Credit Revisited)



韩晗,北京大学经济学院长聘副教授(正高级)、研究员,主要研究领域为宏观经济、银行、金融市场、金融支付、电子货币、新闻的金融效应等。他的多篇研究发表在Journal of Economic Theory、International Economic Review、European Economic Review、Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance、《光明日报》、《经济日报》等著名刊物上,主持国家社科基金重大项目,撰写的研究报告多次得到上级采用和中央领导人批示,获得良好的社会效益。荣获北京市第十六届哲学社会科学优秀成果奖,北京高校“优质本科教材课件”等奖项。 

三、时间:2022年9月8日 星期四 下午,14:00-15:30

四、地点:腾讯会议 458 430 723



Gu, Mattesini, and Wright (2016) show that if money is essential, nonmonetary credit (i.e., deferred payment to sellers) is irrelevant. We find that in an otherwise same model that also allows monetary credit (i.e., borrowing money from third parties), nonmonetary credit can be relevant even when money is essential. Money may serve as an accelerator or stabilizer to changes in credit conditions, depending on the types of credit changes and overall credit tightness. We also find that the composition of credit matters. Inter- estingly, the borrowing constraint on monetary credit can be even tighter when society allocates more credit to monetary credit. Therefore, it is important to model money and differentiate the two types of credit when studying finance in macroeconomics.


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