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[发布日期]:2021-12-15  [浏览次数]:


1. 安苏伟(2018级博士生):Relative Performance Evaluation and Long-term Acquisition Performance

2. 喻曾(2018级博士生):The causal effect of CEO option compensation on a bank’s contribution to Systemic Risk

3. 苏自力(2017级博士生):Does Managerial Ownership Impact Controlling Shareholder’s Shares Pledging on Audit Fee?

4. 杨阳(2017级博士生):自然人股东股票质押与股价异常收益率-基于中国A股市场质押发生日的实证研究




丁娜 澳门威斯人游戏网站官网 助理教授

吴锴 澳门威斯人游戏网站官网 助理教授

夏聪 澳门威斯人游戏网站官网 助理教授

五、主持人:丁娜 澳门威斯人游戏网站官网 助理教授


1. Relative Performance Evaluation and Long-term Acquisition Performance

We study how relative performance evaluation (RPE) utilization relates to long-term acquisition performance. Using a sample of 6,811 acquisition deals of U.S. firms from 2006 to 2017, we find RPE can increase the long-term acquisition performance. We also demonstrate that self-selected peer groups are more efficient in constructing relative benchmarks, with a higher significance of acquisition outperformance than traditional indices. RPE and long-term acquisition performance mainly manifest in firms with higher market uncertainty, longer managerial decision horizon, and lower institutional holdings. Finally, we show that RPE is associated with lower short-term acquisition abnormal returns and higher acquirer reference price ratio. 

2. The causal effect of CEO option compensation on a bank’s contribution to Systemic Risk

We explore the causal relation between CEO option compensation and a bank’s contribution to systemic risk (proxied by△CoVaR) in the US market between 2002-2007. We employ a regulatory change of accounting standard (FAS 123R) as our quasi-natural experiment. Our results indicate a sharp reduction of CEO option compensation leads to an increase in systemic risk. In further testing, our results also indicate the adoption of FAS 123R has a positive casual impact on a bank’s standalone risk (proxied by Distance-todefault measure). Regarding potential channels, we find banks that use to adopt the relative performance evaluation (RPE) contracts, may use RPE goals as a substitute incentive tools of costly option compensation after the shock. We argue that there is a substitute effect of other forms of incentive tools following the regulatory change, which results an increase of systemic risk. 

3. Does Managerial Ownership Impact Controlling Shareholder’s Shares Pledging on Audit Fee?

This paper investigates the impact of managerial ownership to controlling shareholder shares pledging from the perspective of audit fee setting. Using a sample of Chinese A-share companies over the period 2007 to 2020. We find that controlling shareholder share pledging is positively associate with audit fees, while managerial ownership is negatively associate with it, equity-based managers can restrict controlling shareholder expropriate minority shareholders and damage firm value activities by control firm’s business risk and audit risk. Further analyses reveal that the restrict effects are significant in the non-SOEs, low external governance supervision firms, indicating that executive equity incentives are an effective device in mitigate agency problem in weak corporate governance companies, which also reduce auditors’ demand for audit risk premia. 

4. 自然人股东股票质押与股价异常收益率-基于中国A股市场质押发生日的实证研究




上一条:彭俞超 | 中财-蒂尔堡项目学术能力提升系列讲座第4期 下一条:中财-蒂尔堡项目博士生论坛第8期
