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[发布日期]:2018-05-07  [浏览次数]:

一、主题:Do Markets Price Politician’s Ability? Evidence from China's LGFV Bond Market





论文摘要:Politician’s ability is usually difficult to observe or evaluate. Consequently, a nontrivial question is whether the market is effective in evaluating political leaders, as the stock market reacts to CEO’s managing ability. Combining a unique first-hand dataset on Chinses local politicians’ characteristics with LGFV bond information, we find the LGFV bond yield spread is correlated with politician’s economic ability. The increase of politician’s economic ability in one standard deviation will decrease the bond yield spread in 0.2 percentage point after controlling city and year fixed effect. Moreover, government officials are more influential on LGFV bond market in those less market-based cities, which we conclude as a substitution effect between the government and the market.

上一条:高磊|第235期双周学术论坛 下一条:邹传伟|第233期双周学术论坛
