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[发布日期]:2018-12-13  [浏览次数]:

Financial Analyst Journal, Volume74, Issue4, 2018


作者:Stephen Penman (Columbia Business School)

Francesco Reggiani (University of Zurich)


Fundamentals of Value versus Growth Investing and an Explanation for the Value Trap

Stephen Penman (Columbia Business School), Francesco Reggiani (University of Zurich)


Value stocks earn higher returns than growth stocks on average, but a “value” position can turn against the investor. Fundamental analysis can explain this so-called value trap: The investor may be buying earnings growth that is risky. Both the earnings-to-price ratio (E/P) and the book-to-price ratio (B/P) come into play. E/P indicates expected earnings growth, but price in that ratio also discounts for the risk to that growth; B/P indicates that risk. A striking finding emerges: For a given E/P, a high B/P (“value”) indicates higher expected earnings growth—but growth that is risky. This finding contrasts with the standard convention that considers a low B/P to be “growth” with lower risk.




上一条:【PBFJ】退市压力、高管薪酬与公司欺诈:来自中国的证据 下一条:【JCF】首席财务官如何影响公司现金政策?
