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【JPM】短投看beta,长投看alpha ?

[发布日期]:2018-11-28  [浏览次数]:

The Journal of Portfolio Management, Volume 45, Number 1, Fall 2018

短投看beta,长投看alpha ?

作者:Avraham Kamara (University of Washington),Robert Korajczyk (Northwestern University),

Xiaoxia Lou (University of Delaware),Ronnie Sadka (Boston College)


Short-Horizon Beta or Long-Horizon Alpha?

Avraham Kamara (University of Washington), Robert Korajczyk (Northwestern University), Xiaoxia Lou (University of Delaware), Ronnie Sadka (Boston College)


The authors study whether the pricing of systematic factors depends on the investment horizon over which risk is measured. Market beta and Fama–French value beta are priced when risk is measured over intermediate horizons, and liquidity beta is priced over short horizons. Alpha on a long–short portfolio formed on short-horizon liquidity beta increases monotonically as an investor’s horizon (for measuring risk) increases, making those assets more attractive to long-horizon investors. Institutional investors align their portfolios to harvest risk premiums that are important to investors with horizons different from their own.



上一条:【FAJ】高效市场中的积极管理 下一条:【JBF】不可观察的系统性风险、经济活动和股票市场
