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[发布日期]:2018-11-08  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Volume 53, Issue 5, October 2018


作者:Feng Jiang (University at Buffalo, USA),

Kose John (New York University, USA),

C. Wei Li (University of Iowa, USA),

Yiming Qian (University of Iowa, USA)


Earthly Reward to the Religious: Religiosity and the Costs of Public and Private Debt

Feng Jiang (University at Buffalo, USA), Kose John (New York University, USA), C. Wei Li (University of Iowa, USA), Yiming Qian (University of Iowa, USA)


We document that a firm’s culture, specifically, its religiosity, affects its cost of debt. Firms in higher-religiosity counties have higher credit ratings and lower debt costs. The impact of religiosity is stronger for firms with greater information asymmetry and during recessions. Further, religiosity has additional explanatory power for the cost of bank loans (but not the cost of public bonds) beyond its impact through ratings. This supports the argument that banks have superior abilities in pricing soft information, such as corporate culture. Finally, the impact of religiosity is stronger when the lender is a small bank.



上一条:【CAR】来自于S公司的竞争对竞争对手C企业组织形式选择的影响 下一条:【JFQA】只有在困难时期的赢家才会重复:对冲基金在不同市场环境下的持续表现
