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[发布日期]:2018-07-12  [浏览次数]:

The Review of Financial Studies, Volume 31, Issue6


作者:Brian Weller (Duke University)


Does Algorithmic Trading Reduce Information Acquisition?

Brian Weller (Duke University)


I demonstrate an important tension between acquiring information and incorporating it into asset prices. As a salient case, I analyze algorithmic trading (AT), which is typically associated with improved price efficiency. Using a new measure of the information content of prices and a comprehensive panel of 54,879 stock-quarters of Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) market data, I establish instead that the amount of information in prices decreases by 9% to 13% per standard deviation of AT activity and up to a month before scheduled disclosures. AT thus may reduce price informativeness despite its importance for translating available information into prices.



上一条:【JFQA】做空者是基于内幕消息还是错误的消息进行交易的? 下一条:【JFQA】IPO是否会影响股票市场价格——来自中国的证据
