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【Review of Finance】情绪状态和市场行为

[发布日期]:2018-03-20  [浏览次数]:

Review of Finance, Volume 22, Issue 1, February 2018


作者:Adriana Breaban (Chapman University, USA),

Charles N Noussair(University of Arizona, USA)


Emotional State and Market Behavior

Adriana Breaban (Chapman University, USA), Charles N Noussair(University of Arizona, USA)


We consider the relationship between trader emotions and asset market behavior. We create experimental asset markets with the structure first studied by Smith, Suchanek, and Williams (1988), which is known to generate price bubbles and crashes. To track traders’ emotions in real time, we analyze participants’ facial expressions with facereading software before and while the market is operating. We find that a positive emotional state correlates with purchases and overpricing. Fear correlates with selling, low prices, and price decreases. The experiment confirms the intuition that emotions and market dynamics are closely related.



上一条:【FAJ】在道琼斯工业平均股指中的流动性BAB因子 下一条:【FAJ】通过全球视角观测特质波动性和期望收益
