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[发布日期]:2017-12-25  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Financial Economics·Volume 126, Issue 3·December 2017


作者:Usman Ali(MIG Capital)

David Hirshleifer(University of California, Merage School of Business)



Opportunism as a firm and managerial trait: Predicting insider trading profits and misconduct

Usman Ali(MIG Capital)

David Hirshleifer(University of California, Merage School of Business)


We show that opportunistic insiders can be identified through the profitability of their trades prior to quarterly earnings announcements (QEAs) and that opportunistic trading is associated with various kinds of firm or managerial misconduct. A value-weighted trading strategy based on (not necessarily pre-QEA) trades of opportunistic insiders earns monthly four-factor alphas of over 1%, which is much higher than in past insider trading literature and substantial and significant even on the short side. Firms with opportunistic insiders have higher levels of earnings management, restatements, US Securities and Exchange Commission enforcement actions, shareholder litigation, and executive compensation. These findings suggest that opportunism is a domain-general trait.

Keywords:Insider trading, Opportunistic behavior, Firm and insider misconduct



上一条:【FAJ】横跨两个世纪的价格-收益动量策略 下一条:【JCF】机构投资者的企业实地考察与企业创新
