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[发布日期]:2017-11-20  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Financial & Quantitative Analysis. Vol. 5. Issue 5. Sep2017


作者:Pierluigi Balduzzi (Carroll School of Management, Boston College;)

Fabio Moneta (Smith School of Business, Queen’s University)


Economic Risk Premia in the Fixed-Income Markets: The Intraday Evidence

Pierluigi Balduzzi (Carroll School of Management, Boston College;)

Fabio Moneta (Smith School of Business, Queen’s University)


We use high-frequency data to precisely estimate bond price reactions to macroeconomic announcements and the associated compensation for macro risks. We find evidence of a single factor summarizing the reaction of bond prices to different announcements. Before the financial crisis, the factor risk premium is substantial, significant, and mainly earned before announcement releases. After the crisis, the stock–bond covariance becomes negative and the preannouncement factor risk premium becomes insignificant. Our empirical results are consistent with information leakages that take place ahead of announcement releases and with the implications of a long-run risks model of bond risk premia.

原文链接: http://web.a.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail/detail?vid=5&sid=6c93e629-3876-48aa-beae-5e9e60cdeb4e%40sessionmgr4008&bdata=Jmxhbmc9emgtY24mc2l0ZT1laG9zdC1saXZl#db=bth&AN=125967770


上一条:【JFM】宏观经济风险与动量利润的季节性 下一条:【JPM】横截面和时间序列预测因子的择时因子
