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【Review of Finance】外国信息是否预测了跨国公司的股票收益?

[发布日期]:2017-11-20  [浏览次数]:

Review of Finance, Volume 21, Issue 6, October 2017, Pages 2199–2248


作者:Christian Finke (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland), Florian Weigert (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland)



Does Foreign Information Predict the Returns of Multinational Firms Worldwide?

Christian Finke (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland), Florian Weigert (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland)


We investigate whether value-relevant foreign information only gradually dilutes into stock prices of multinational firms worldwide. Using an international sample of firms from twenty-two developed countries, we find that a portfolio strategy based on firms’ foreign sales information yields future returns of more than 10% p.a. globally. The return spread due to foreign information is substantial across different geographical regions and cannot be explained by traditional risk factors, firm characteristics, and industry momentum. Our results are in line with limited attention of investors to foreign information being the main driver of this effect worldwide.



上一条:【FM】可预测的体育赛事情绪和本地交易 下一条:【JFM】宏观经济风险与动量利润的季节性
