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[发布日期]:2017-10-10  [浏览次数]:

Review of Finance · VOL. 21, NO. 5 · August 2017


作者:Chris Yung (University of Virginia, USA)


本文建立并检验了一个企业家和风险投资特征都是由真实投资机会决定的模型。通过引入无能代理,发现繁荣放大了两边市场的分散能力。与这些预测一致的是,风险基金的回报数据显示:(1)牛市中的新进入者与异常回报的横截面高度分散有关,(2) 在牛市中表现最差的基金很可能是新进入者。

Venture Capital and the Market for Talent during Booms and Busts

Chris Yung (University of Virginia, USA)


I develop and test a model in which the characteristics of entrepreneurs and VCs are jointly determined by real investment opportunities. By inducing the entry of inept agents, booms inflate the dispersion in ability on both sides of the market. Consistent with these predictions, venture fund return data show that 1) new entrants in hot markets are associated with high cross-sectional dispersion in abnormal returns, and 2) the worst performing funds in the sample are disproportionately likely to be new entrants in hot markets.



上一条:【JFE】对冲基金的尾端风险:组合持仓的一个独特视角 下一条:【CAR】会计基本面在时间序列和横截面中的定价和错误定价
