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[发布日期]:2017-06-20  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis · Volume 52, Issue 2 April 2017, pp. 645-675


作者:Bastian von Beschwitz (Federal Reserve Board,International Finance Division), Oleg Chuprinin (University of New South Wales), Massimo Massa (INSEAD Finance Department)


Why Do Short Sellers Like Qualitative News?

Bastian von Beschwitz (Federal Reserve Board,International Finance Division), Oleg Chuprinin (University of New South Wales), Massimo Massa (INSEAD Finance Department)


Short sellers trade more on days with qualitative news, that is, news containing fewer numbers. We show that this behavior is not informationally motivated but can be explained by short sellers exploiting higher liquidity on such days. We document that liquidity and noise trading increase in the presence of qualitative news, enabling short sellers to better disguise their informed trades. Natural experiments support our findings. Qualitative news has a bigger effect on short sellers’ trading after a decrease in liquidity following the stock’s deletion from the Standard & Poor’s 500 index and a smaller effect when investor attention is distracted by the Olympic Games.




上一条:【JBF】投资风险分配和风险资本退出市场:来自早期投资的证据 下一条:【RF】债券方差风险溢价
