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[发布日期]:2017-06-22  [浏览次数]:

REVIEW OF FINANCIAL STUDIES·DOI: https://doi.org/10.1093/rfs/hhx047·Published: 19May 2017


作者:Andrew Y. Chen (Federal Reserve Board)


External Habit in a Production Economy: A Model of Asset Prices and Consumption Volatility Risk

Andrew Y. Chen (Federal Reserve Board)


A standard real business-cycle model with external habit and capital adjustment costs matches a long list of asset price and business-cycle moments: equity, firm value, and risk-free rate volatility; the equity premium; excess return predictability; consumption growth predictability; basic moments of consumption, output, and investment; among others. The model also generates endogenous consumption volatility risk. Precautionary savings motives make consumption sensitive to shocks in bad times, leading to countercyclical volatility, even with homoscedastic technology shocks. Habit acts as countercyclical leverage, which amplifies this channel. Habit also implies high risk aversion, which amplifies the stock price response.




上一条:【JCF】投资者能预期上市后的并购吗? 下一条:【FM】特质波动率协方差和预期股票收益
