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[发布日期]:2017-05-26  [浏览次数]:

Financial Management, Spring 2014, v. 43, iss. 1, pp. 61-86

作者:Vincent Intintoli (Clemson University), Shrikant P. Jategaonkar (Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville), Kathleen M. Kahle (University of Arizona)



The Effect of Demand for Shares on the Timing and Underpricing of Seasoned Equity Offers.

Vincent Intintoli (Clemson University), Shrikant P. Jategaonkar (Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville), Kathleen M. Kahle (University of Arizona)

ABSTRACT:Despite high levels of asymmetry of information, firms that issue SEOs within a year of their IPO (follow-on SEOs) are able to offer shares at a lower discount compared to more mature firms. We provide evidence that this seeming contradiction can be explained by a very high degree of demand for the follow-on offering. We find that the likelihood of issuing a follow-on SEO is significantly related to the level of institutional demand and that discounts are lower for follow-on SEOs in which institutional demand is high. We also consider the joint effect of cash holdings and follow-on SEOs on discounts, since firms that have recently gone public tend to hold high levels of cash. Underpricing is higher for firms with elevated pre-offer levels of cash, which is consistent with market timing predictions. However, this relation is mitigated for both follow-on SEOs and issues that also have high share demand.

Keywords: seasoned equity offerings, initial public offerings, underpricing, offer discounts, float, institutional demand




上一条:【JFM】序列相关、状态转换和存在交易成本下的止损策略 下一条:【CFR】国债收益率的季节性变化
