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[发布日期]:2017-05-10  [浏览次数]:

Review of Accounting Studies · Volume 20, Issue 1 · March 2015


作者:Y Cao (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), JN Myers (University of Arkansas), LA Myers (University of Arkansas), TC Omer (University of Nebraska–Lincoln)



Company reputation and the cost of equity capital

Y Cao (The Chinese University of Hong Kong), JN Myers (University of Arkansas), LA Myers (University of Arkansas), TC Omer (University of Nebraska–Lincoln)


We investigate whether companies with better reputations enjoy a lower cost of equity financing. Using a sample of 9,276 large US companies from 1987 to 2011 and the reputation rankings from Fortune’s “America’s Most Admired Companies” list, we find strong evidence that companies with higher reputation scores enjoy a lower cost of equity capital even after controlling for other factors that determine the cost of equity. In addition, we find that the effect of reputation on the cost of equity increases with the degree of information asymmetry, consistent with the reputation rankings providing information about company quality. We also find that changes in reputation are associated with subsequent changes in the company’s investor base, consistent with reputation rankings affecting investor recognition and improving risk sharing.We contribute to the cost of capital literature by identifying a unique determinant of the cost of equity and to the reputation literature by demonstrating an important benefit that derives from creating and maintaining a high reputation.

Keywords: Company reputation,Cost of equity,Information asymmetry,Investor recognition,Risk sharing



上一条:【JFE】高频交易和2008年的卖空禁止令 下一条:【FM】开盘交易的择时和定价误差
