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【Pacific-Basin Finance Journal】金融新闻是否预测了股票收益率?来自穆斯林和非穆斯林股票市场的新证据

[发布日期]:2017-04-28  [浏览次数]:

Pacific-Basin Finance Journal Volume 42, April 2017, Pages 24–45


作者:Paresh Kumar Narayan (Deakin University, Australia), Deepa Bannigidadmath (Deakin University, Australia)

摘要:本文扩展了Garcia (2013)构建的时间序列金融新闻数据集,并用此检验了在穆斯林股票市场,金融新闻在预测股票收益率时是否显著地不同于非穆斯林股票市场(传统市场)。我们发现事实确实如此。第一,正面和负面的文字新闻基本预测了穆斯林和传统市场股票收益,并且正面的文字对两个股票市场收益有更大的影响。第二,来自金融新闻的股票冲击仅仅对部分股票有反转作用。第三,对于一个均值-方差型的投资者,投资穆斯林市场的股票要比投资相应的传统股票盈利更多。第四,我们发现即便加入一些时间序列的风险,即市场风险、规模风险和动量风险,利润仍然是稳定的。

Does Financial News Predict Stock Returns? New Evidence from Islamic and Non-Islamic Stocks

Paresh Kumar Narayan (Deakin University, Australia), Deepa Bannigidadmath (Deakin University, Australia)


The paper extends the time-series financial news data set constructed by Garcia (2013) and uses it to examine whether financial news predicts returns of Islamic stocks differently compared to non-Islamic (conventional) stocks. We find that they do. First, while both positive and negative worded news predict most Islamic and conventional stock returns, positive words have a larger impact on both types of stock returns. Second, shock to returns from financial news reverses only in part for some stocks. Third, for a mean-variance investor, investing in Islamic stocks is relatively more profitable than investing in the corresponding conventional stocks. Fourth, we show that profits are robust to a range of time-series risk factors, namely, market risk, size-based risk, and momentum-induced risk.



上一条:【JFQA】短期反转:历史回报和机构退出的影响 下一条:【JFM】股票市场质量崩盘
