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[发布日期]:2017-04-16  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Empirical Finance · VOLUME 38 · December 2016


作者:Kalle Rinne (Luxembourg School of Finance, University of Luxembourg), Matti Suominen (Department of Finance, Aalto University School of Business)



How some bankers made a million by trading just two securities?

Kalle Rinne (Luxembourg School of Finance, University of Luxembourg), Matti Suominen (Department of Finance, Aalto University School of Business)


We study a pair trading strategy that utilizes short-term return reversals in the stock market. Using U.S. data, we show that returns to our pair trading strategy exceed reasonable estimates for transaction costs. The strategy also generates positive alpha when controlling for the standard risk factors. Second, using transaction level data from Finland, focusing on a popular pair, we provide evidence that these kinds of pair trading returns are compensation from providing liquidity. On the days when the expected returns to our pair trading strategy are the highest, the trading volume is abnormally high and, judging from active brokers’ net trades, nearly 45% of all brokers (or their customers) engage in pair trading in accordance with our trading strategy. These brokers are mainly counterparties to few brokers that trade large quantities of stocks inconsistent with our strategy.

Keywords: Pair trading; Short-term return reversals; Liquidity provision



上一条:【Financial Analysts Journal】期权隐含权益风险和股票回报横截面 下一条:【JFE】公司税会抑制创新吗?
