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【Pacific-Basin Finance Journal】有限套利,投资摩擦和研发异象

[发布日期]:2017-03-30  [浏览次数]:

Pacific-Basin Finance Journal Volume 43, June 2017, Pages 1–14


作者:Konan Chan (National Chengchi University, Taiwan), Yueh-Hsiang Lin (National Taipei University of Business, Taiwan), Yanzhi Wang (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)


Limits-to-arbitrage, investment frictions, and innovation anomalies

Konan Chan (National Chengchi University, Taiwan), Yueh-Hsiang Lin (National Taipei University of Business, Taiwan), Yanzhi Wang (National Taiwan University, Taiwan)


This paper examines whether the limits-to-arbitrage and investment frictions hypotheses explain the research and development (R&D) premium. We find that the R&D premium is stronger for stocks that are hard to arbitrage and for stocks with investment frictions. The limits-to-arbitrage explanation explains more of the R&D premium than does the investment frictions explanation. Our results hold under the two-way sorts on limits-to-arbitrage and investment frictions measures. We also examine the impact of limits-to-arbitrage and investment frictions on innovation efficiency and R&D ability. We find that the limits-to-arbitrage and investment frictions are equally effective in explaining the two new innovation anomalies.



上一条:【JFE】五因子定价模型的国际检验 下一条:【JEF】系统性风险与对冲基金横截面收益
