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[发布日期]:2017-01-27  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis · Volume 51, Issue 6 December 2016, pp. 1739-1768


作者:Joachim Grammig (University of Tübingen and Centre for Financial Research), Stephan Jank (Frankfurt School of Finance and Management)


Creative Destruction and Asset Prices

Joachim Grammig (University of Tübingen and Centre for Financial Research), Stephan Jank (Frankfurt School of Finance and Management)


We relate Schumpeter’s notion of creative destruction to asset pricing, thereby offering a novel explanation of size and value premia. We argue that small-value firms must offer higher expected returns to compensate for the risk posed by serendipitous invention activity, whereas large-growth stocks provide protection against creative destruction and receive expected return discounts. A 2-factor model that accounts for creative-destruction risk effectively explains the cross-sectional return variation of size- and book-to-market-sorted portfolios. The estimated risk compensations associated with creative destruction are substantial and statistically significant, indicating their relevance for asset pricing.




上一条:【JCF】美国IPO的政治捐款 下一条:【JFM】横截面因素动力和动量收益
