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[发布日期]:2017-02-02  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Empirical Finance · VOLUME 40 · JANUARY 2017


作者:Keith Jacks Gamble (Jones College of Business, Middle Tennessee State University), Wei Xu (HSBC School of Business, Peking University)



Informed retail investors: Evidence from retail short sales

Keith Jacks Gamble (Jones College of Business, Middle Tennessee State University), Wei Xu (HSBC School of Business, Peking University)


Our study suggests that despite the enforcement of insider trading laws, there are still some investors trading on their private information. Using account-level information, we show that some retail investors seem to be informed about particular stocks. When they sell short these stocks, they earn an alpha of 15%; when they purchase these stocks, they earn an alpha of 27%. Other short sales and purchases by the same investor do not earn significant alpha. These informed trades are rare and further evidence suggest that these informed retail trades are motivated by private information rather than trading skill.

Keywords: Short sale; Retail trades; Informed trades; Retail order flow



上一条:【CFR】再论通过名义股价迎合投资者 下一条:【JF】那些没有杀掉你的经历会使你更加热爱冒险:生命早期的灾难和CEO的行为
