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[发布日期]:2017-01-06  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Empirical Finance · VOLUME 40 · JANUARY 2017


作者:Vitali Alexeev (UTS Business School, University of Technology Sydney), Mardi Dungey (Tasmanian School of Business and Economics, University of Tasmania), Wenying Yao (Deakin Business School, Deakin University)



Time-varying continuous and jump betas: The role of firm characteristics and periods of stress

Vitali Alexeev (UTS Business School, University of Technology Sydney), Mardi Dungey (Tasmanian School of Business and Economics, University of Tasmania), Wenying Yao (Deakin Business School, Deakin University)


Using high frequency data we decompose the time-varying beta for stocks into beta for continuous systematic risk and beta for discontinuous systematic risk. Estimated discontinuous betas for S&P500 constituents over 2003-2011 generally exceed the corresponding continuous betas. Smaller stocks are more sensitive to discontinuities than their larger counterparts, and during periods of financial distress, high leverage stocks are more exposed to systematic risk. Higher credit ratings and lower volatility are each associated with smaller betas. Industry effects are also apparent. We use the estimates to show that discontinuous risk carries a significantly positive premium, but continuous risk does not.

Keywords: Systematic risk; Jumps; Equity risk premium; High-frequency data



上一条:【JF】罕见再平衡,收益自相关和季节性 下一条:【FM】特质风险,投资者基础和回报
