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[发布日期]:2016-09-12  [浏览次数]:

Review of Financial Studies, (2015) 28 (7):1849-1873.


作者:Justin Birru(Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University)


Confusion of Confusions: A Test of the Disposition Effect and Momentum

Justin Birru(Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University)

ABSTRACT: Using investor-level data, I document that the disposition effect is absent following a stock split; inattentive investors may fail to split-adjust their reference point, confusing the winner versus loser status of their holdings. Consistent with the disposition effect impeding the incorporation of news, ex-date returns are significantly higher for split stocks with higher gains. However, the magnitude is small relative to momentum, and momentum remains robustly present among this sample of stocks void of the disposition effect. The results suggest that the disposition effect may slow the incorporation of news, but not to the extent that it alone explains momentum.



上一条:【JF】成长机会,技术冲击与资产价格 下一条:【JFE】获利于国会山:对冲基金经理的知情交易
