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[发布日期]:2015-09-16  [浏览次数]:

讲座地点: 学术会堂706

讲座时间: September 23(Wednesday): 4pm-6pm

讲座主题: Socially Responsible Investing – Past, Present, Future

主办单位: 澳门威斯人游戏网站官网研究生工作办公室

主讲人介绍:Prof.dr. KeesKoedijk

Dean, Director & Full Professor

Expert areas: Finance

KeesKoedijk is dean and director of TIAS School for Business and Society and professor Financial Management at Tilburg University. KeesKoedijk is an expert in financial economics and financial institutions. His research focuses on Macro and International Finance, Portfolio Management and Socially Responsible Investment, Risk Tolerance and Emotion. Sustainability is also one of his key interests.


Dalen, H.P. van &Koedijk, C.G. (Eds.). (2012). NieuweKijk op EconomieGevraagd. Tilburg: Tilburg University Press.

Dalen, H.P. van, Henkens, C.J.I.M., Koedijk, C.G., &Slager, A.M.H. (2012). Decision making by pension fund trustees in the face of demographic and economic shocks: A vignette study. Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 11(2), 183-201.

Koedijk, C.G., &Slager, A.M.H. (2012). Pensioenfondsbestuur in crisistijd. In C.G. Koedijk& A.M.H. Slager (Eds.), Crisisplan. Het grotere plan achter het crisisplanvoorpensioenfondsen. Tilburg: Tilburg University.

Guenster, N., Bauer, R., Derwall, J.M.M., &Koedijk, C.G. (2011). The economic value of corporate eco-efficiency. European Financial Management, 17(4), 679-704.

Derwall, J.M.M., Koedijk, C.G., & Horst, J.R. ter (2011). A tale of values-driven and profitseeking social investors. Journal of Banking and Finance, 35(8), 2137-2147.

上一条:【经济与金融学名家论坛第76期】汪寿阳:复杂数据处理方法EMD及其在金融研究中的应用 下一条:经济与金融学名家论坛第七十五期
