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[发布日期]:2011年04月20日  [浏览次数]:  [更新时间]:2024年07月12日


中国 北京 昌平 沙河高教园区







研究领域为国际金融和宏观经济。主持教育部重大攻关项目、国家自然科学基金应急重大项目、国家社会科学基金重点项目等课题。在《经济研究》《世界经济》《金融研究》《国际金融研究》《Journal of International Money and FinanceAsian Economics Paper》《China and World Economy》《Economic Changes and Restructuring等中外学术刊物发表论文100余篇,出版学术著作20余本(包括主编和合著)。担任财经网、财新网、网易财经等财经媒体专栏作家。







  • 1984年毕业于中国人民大学经济学系(世界经济专业),获经济学学士学位;

  • 1987年毕业于中国人民银行研究生部(国际金融专业),获经济学硕士学位;

  • 2003年毕业于中国人民大学经济学院(世界经济专业),获经济学博士学位;

  • 1996年在荷兰蒂尔堡大学(Tilburg University)进修经济学和国际金融。


  • 1987年至今,在中央财经大学任教。先后担任助教(1987-90)、讲师(1990-94)、副教授(1994-99)和教授(1999-目前)。担任国际金融研究中心主任(2003-目前),全球金融治理协同创新中心主任(2012-目前)。

  • 中央财经大学金融系国际金融教研室主任(19957-20006月),金融系副主任(20007-20036月),澳门威斯人游戏网站官网副院长(20037-20066月),澳门威斯人游戏网站官网院长(20067-201511月)。

  • 世界银行经济发展学院(Economic Development Institute at World Bank, Washington D.C.)访问学者(19952-5月)。

  • 美国皮特森国际经济研究所(Petersons Institute for International Economics, Washington D.C.) 高级访问研究员(20049-20055月)。

  • 美国哥伦比亚大学环球研究院(Earth Institute at Columbia UniversityNew York) 高级访问研究员(20055-9月)。

  • 澳大利亚国立大学太平洋和亚洲研究院(Research School of Pacific and Asia)访问教授(20092月)。

  • 德国应用科技大学(HTW-Berlin)经济系访问教授(201310月)。

  • 美国哈佛大学费正清中国研究中心(Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies with Harvard University)访问研究员(201611-20175月)。

  • 英国伯明翰大学商学院访问教授(20181月)。



  • 中国世界经济学会副会长

  • 中国金融学会常务理事

  • 中国国际金融学会常务理事、学术委员

  • 中国现代金融学会常务理事、学术委员

  • 中国国际经济关系学会常务理事

  • 全球经济治理50人论坛学术委员会副主任

  • 中国社科院亚太与全球战略研究院学术委员

  • 中国国际金融30人论坛成员

  • 中国市场经济研究会理事

  • 中国金融学年会理事

  • 亚太经济与金融论坛主席

  • 国际金融论坛学术委员

  • 鸿儒金融教育基金会理事长、学术委员会副主任

  • 当代经济学基金会副理事长、学术委员

  • 《金融研究》杂志编委

  • 《国际金融研究》杂志编委

  • 《国际经济评论》杂志编委

  • 《金融论坛》杂志编委

  • 《国际金融》杂志编委

  • 《中国外汇》杂志学术委员

  • 《香港国际金融评论》学术委员



  • 2023年,获中央财经大学第二届“感动中财人物”荣誉称号;

  • 2023年,获北京市“首都劳动奖章”;

  • 2022年,获北京市“启智润心·大先生”称号;

  • 2016年,获鸿儒基金会金融学杰出教师奖;

  • 2013年,获北京市优秀教师称号;

  • 2012年,获评新疆维吾尔自治区“天山”学者称号;

  • 2010年,获北京市第六届高等学校教学名师奖;

  • 2009年,获国务院政府特殊津贴;

  • 2007年,入选七部委“新世纪百千万人才工程”(国家级);

  • 2005年,《资本账户开放与金融不稳定——基于发展中国家相关经验的研究》一书获中央财经大学2002-2005年度优秀学术著作一等奖;

  • 2004-2005年,获中美富布莱特基金奖学金(高级研究学者);

  • 2004年,入选教育部首批“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”;

  • 2001年,获中央财经大学“安盛-国卫奖励基金”优秀教学奖;

  • 2000年,“发展中国家的资本账户开放”(《国际金融研究》1998年第34期)获中国金融学会第五届优秀论文评选三等奖;

  • 2000年,获中央财经大学“涌金奖励基金”青年学术奖;

  • 1999年,获中央财经大学“华为奖励基金”优秀研究生导师奖;

  • 1992-1998年,多项科研成果获中中央财经大学优秀科研成果奖励;

  • 1996年,被评为财政部跨世纪学科带头人;

  • 199419951996年连续三年被评为北京市优秀青年骨干教师;

  • 1991年、1992年,“适度外债规模问题”(《经济研究》1988年第8期)一文先后获中国金融学会首届优秀论文评选二等奖、中国金融教育基金会“金晨杯”优秀论文奖。









  • 2022-2024,中央财经大学“中国对外金融开放与全球治理”重大研究团队项目,(主持)

  • 2021-2022,韩国国家智库KIEP国际合作项目“Internationalization of Renminbi and Korea Wong,(联合主持)

  • 2021-2023国家社科基金重点项目“稳慎推进人民币国际化的策略和路径”,(主持)

  • 2022-2023,中央财经大学智库建设项目“中国对外开放与全球治理(2022年)”,(主持)

  • 2021-2022,中央财经大学智库建设项目“中国对外开放与全球治理(2021年)”,(主持)

  • 2020-2021,中央财经大学智库建设项目“中国对外开放与全球治理(2020年)”,(主持)

  • 2018-2021,天津财经大学委托课题“新时期北京市金融服务业的开放战略”,(主持)

  • 2019-2020,中央财经大学青蓝科研支持项目“国际资本流动及其管理”,(主持)

  • 2020年,《国际金融》课程入选国家一流本科课程,(主持)

  • 教育部2017年“来华留学生精品课程《国际金融》(研究生)”,(主持)

  • 教育部2014年重大攻关项目“中国资本账户开放的进程和风险防范”,(主持)

  • 国家自然科学基金2012年应急项目“欧洲主权债务危机的影响及对策研究”, (主持)

  • 教育部2009年国际金融危机应急课题重大项目“全球金融危机冲击下的中国:宏观经济政策选择和结构调整”,(主持)

  • 北京市2009优秀博士学位论文指导教师人文社科项目“全球金融危机及其对我国经济和金融的影响”,(主持)

  • 教育部2008年度“双语教学示范工程《国际金融》课程”,(主持)

  • 国家社科基金2005年度项目“我国外汇储备与人民币汇率机制改革”,(主持)

  • 教育部人文社科重大攻关课题“我国金融体制改革与货币政策”子课题“金融开放与人民币汇率改革”,(主持)

  • 国家自然科学基金2003年度应急课题“汇率改革的国际经验及其对中国的借鉴”,(主持)

  • 教育部“十五”科研规划课题“金融自由化与金融脆弱性”,(主持)

  • 财政部“九五”科研规划课题“发展中国家的金融开放”,(主持)

  • 中央财经大学1997年科研课题“适度外汇储备规模研究”,(主持)

  • 国家外汇管理局重点课题“人民币区域化问题研究”,(子课题主持人)

  • 教育部教育教改课题“21世纪中国金融学专业教育教学改革与发展战略研究”,(骨干成员)

  • 国家发展计划委员会“十五”科研课题“经济全球化对我国经济的影响与挑战”,(骨干成员)

  • 中荷国际交流项目“中国金融改革20年回顾”,(骨干成员)

  • 财政部“八五”科研规划课题“中国经济增长波动及政策选择”,(骨干成员)

  • 国家发改委合作课题“人民币汇率研究”,(骨干成员)


  • 贸易自由化、 企业生产网络与绿色贸易”,(与孙瑾和汪俊波),《经济科学》,2024年第2

  • “人民币国际化与金融强国建设”,《中国外汇》,2024年第5

  • “稳慎扎实推进人民币国际化:发展历程与路径探析”,《人民论坛•学术前沿》,20241月(上),(20246月,被《新华文摘》全文转载并列为封面文章)

  • “自由贸易协定环境条款对污染型行业出口的影响——基于中国微观企业的经验研究”,(与汪俊波和孙瑾),《国际贸易问题》,2023年第12

  • “经济复杂度与出口计价货币选择——基于金融发展的异质性视角”,(与陶坤玉和齐雯),《金融评论》,2023年第5

  • “如何进一步有序推进人民币国际化?”,(与陈卫东、高海红、肖耿、乔依德、刘韬),《国际经济评论》,2023年第3

  • “汇率波动对出口稳定的影响:中间品进口的作用”,(与王雅琦、王瑶),《金融研究》,2023年第1

  • “国际资本流动对系统性金融风险的影响研究”,(与张宇阳、欧阳远芬),《财贸经济》,2023年第1

  • “资本管制对货币政策独立性的动态影响研究——兼论‘中间政策’组合的效果”,(与孟祥源、李杰、周天杭),《南开经济研究》,2022年第9

  • “人民币国际化的战略考量”,《金融文化》2022,年第8

  • “理解人民币流动性安排的重要意义”,《中国外汇》,202281

  • “基金组织对跨境资本流动的观点变迁”,《中国外汇》,202261

  • “扩大资本账户开放的意义和风险”,《金融论坛》,2022年第2

  • “对中国资本账户开放进程的一些 观察与思考”,《国际金融》,2021年第11

  • “人民币汇率形成机制改革:主要经验与前景展望”,《中国外汇》,2021年第13

  • “对‘双循环’新发展格局的几点认识”,《南开学报(哲学社会科学版)》2021年第1

  • “中国金融开放的形势与风险预警”,(与盛松成等),《国际经济评论》,2020年第4

  • 经济政策不确定性的影响及其跨国传导机制:文献综述”,(与蔡思颖),《金融评论》2020年第3期。

  • “新冠疫情冲击下人民币国际化面临的新机遇”,《金融论坛》,2020年第5期。

  • “全球金融周期、美国货币政策与‘三元悖论’”,(与钟茜),《金融研究》2020年第2期。获评《金融研究》杂志2020年年度优秀论文,入选2021年中国世界经济学会评选的全球宏观经济论文TOP10,收录于《世界经济年鉴2021》(中国社会科学出版社,2021.12

  • “新一轮银行业开放的影响:前瞻与对策”,(与杨荣),《金融论坛》,2020年第1期。

  • “区块链在金融领域的应用院理论依据、现实困境与破解策略”,(与吴桐),《改革》,201912

  • “全球低利率背景下中国的货币政策将走向何方?”(与张启迪),《人民论坛》,20191225日。

  • “从国际经验看资本账户开放与货币国际化的关系”,《中国外汇》,2019年第19期。

  • “稳步开放资本市场,防范跨境资本流动”(与蔡思颖),《中国外汇》,2019年第11期。

  • “我国资本账户可兑换的历程:经验与前瞻”,《中国外汇》,2019年第7期。

  • “如何面对经济全球化的退潮?”, 《世界经济研究》2018年第3

  • “加快推进人民币汇率制度改革”, 《中国外汇》  2018年第1

  • 扩大对外金融开放的重点:放松市场准入还是减少资本流动限制?”,评《逆全球化时代的中国金融开放政策》(径山报告),中国金融四十人论坛,20179月。

  • “国际资本流动管理需要全球行动” 《中国外汇》 2016年第13

  • “人民币国际化面临的挑战” 《金融论坛》 2016年第3

  • “审慎对待资本账户进一步开放”  《中国社会科学报》,2015924日,第814

  • “人民币汇率改革的意义和风险” 《中国外汇》 201516

  • “深化金融改革的顺序” 《中国外汇》 2014年第5

  • “转变政府职能 化解产能过剩” 《中国外汇》 2013年第15

  • “金融学研究面临的新课题” 《中国外汇》 2012年第13

  • “先内后外,审慎开放” 《财经》 2012319

  • “资本账户应渐进、有选择开放” 《中国外汇》 2012年第9

  • “外汇储备管理与实际汇率制度选择” 《中央财经大学学报》 2012年第5

  • “量化宽松Ⅱ冲击与中国的政策选择” 《国际经济评论》(2011.1

  • G20峰会和国际货币体系改革” 《中国外汇》 2011年第23

  • “出口是否促进了异质性企业生产率的增长:来自中国制造企业的实证分析” 《南开经济研究》(2010.4

  • “应该如何看待人民币的国际化进程” 《中央财经大学学报》(2009.9

  • “评IMF新决定及其对人民币汇率政策的影响” 《国际金融研究》(2008.1

  • “中国对外经济的失衡与调整” 《国际金融研究》(2008.1

  • “调节国际收支顺差 防止外汇储备过度积累” 《21世纪经济报道》(200723日)。

  • “新兴市场国家的金融业开放及其影响” 《国际金融研究》(2007.3

  • “从结构性角度看全球经济失衡” 《中国金融》(20076月)

  • “如何看待中国资本管制政策的调整” 《国际经济评论》(2007.10

  • “关注我国国际收支的持续扩大” 《国际金融研究》(2004.1

  • “人民币汇率制度:现状、改革方向和近期对策” 《国际金融研究》(2004.10

  • “当前全球经济增长调整的长周期特征及其对中国的潜在影响” 《国际金融研究》(2003.1

  • “警惕国际游资流入:判断和对策” 《中国外汇管理》(2003.9

  • “国际金融体系的历史、现状与趋势” 《求是》(200311月下半月)

  • “人民币升值压力的形成与缓解” 《社会科学战线》(双月刊,2003.6

  • “关于现代金融的一些理论思考” 载《金融学科建设与发展战略研究》(王广谦等主编),高等教育出版社2002

  • “加入WTO后中国外汇管理的进一步改革” 《国际金融研究》(2000.5

  • “亚洲国家如何走出困境” 《中国外汇管理》(99.3

  • “论国际游资的经济影响” 《宏观经济研究》(99.5)

  • “智利的资本账户开放:一个从失败走向相对成功的案例”


  • “国际游资的监管及制约因素”  《国际经济合作》(99.5)

  • “国际游资:特征、规模和成因” 《中央财经大学学报》 (99.6)

  • “论经济全球化的成因、利益和代价”  《世界经济》(99.8)

  • “异常的成功----印尼资本账户开放” 《国际贸易》(99.10

  • “资本账户开放的政策性框架” 《国际金融研究》(99.11

  • “亚洲金融危机的教训” 《国际金融研究》(98.1

  • “关于外资流入的经济学分析”  《国际经济评论》(98.34

  • “论发展中国家的资本账户开放” 《国际金融研究》(98.3/4

  • “用系统论观点看全球经济一体化” 《中央财经大学学报》(98.6

  • “《核心原则》将产生深远影响” 《金融时报》(97.8.8

  • “过渡时期中国银行面临的外部环境” 《中央财经大学学报》(95.11

  • “亚洲国家的金融变革”  《亚太研究》(936

  • “外债管理的目标、政策和体制”  《中央财经大学学报》(893

  • “论外债规模的控制” 《金融研究》(898

  • “适度外债规模问题” 《经济研究》(888

  • “中国的外债形势不容乐观” 《中国社会科学院要报1988.10.30

  • “对外举债必须考虑经济增长能力” 《金融研究》(873


  • 《变局与应对:全球经济金融趋势与中国未来》(主编,与朱民),中信出版社,2024年;

  • 《人民币国际化:离岸市场及其影响》(与尹力博合作),广东经济出版社,2019;开明书店,2021

  • 《全球金融治理报告:2015-2016》,主编,人民出版社,2016

  • 《全球经济动荡与中国经济的崛起》,主编,中国金融出版社,2016

  • 《后金融危机时期全球经济复苏、结构调整与制度变革》,主编,中国金融出版社,2011

  • 《改革开放30年后的中国金融发展:机遇与挑战》,主编,中国金融出版社,2010

  • 《汇率制度变革:国际经验与中国选择》,主编,中国金融出版社2005

  • 《金融自由化与金融稳定》,主编,人民出版社2005

  • 《资本账户开放与金融不稳定:基于发展中国家相关经验的分析》,北京大学出版社2004

  • 《发展中国家的资本账户开放:理论、政策和经验》,主编,经济科学出版社2000

  • 《中国经济增长波动与政策选择》,副主编,中国财经出版社1999

  • 《中国经济大趋势:1995年》(刘佩琼主编),参著,香港商务印书馆1995

  • 《动荡·调整·展望----关于东亚金融危机的经济学思考》(高成兴主编),参著,中国经济出版社1999

  • 2000年国际金融报告》(王雪冰主编),参著,经济科学出版社2000

  • 2001年国际金融报告》(刘明康主编),参著,经济科学出版社2001

  • 2004年国际金融报告》(华庆山主编),参著,经济科学出版社2004



  • 《国际金融》(国家“十一五”规划教材,第二版),主编,高等教育出版社,2018

  • 《国际金融》(国家“十一五”规划教材),主编,高等教育出版社,2011

  • 《国际贸易理论与政策》,主编,高等教育出版社,2011

  • 《国际贸易概论》,主编, 中国财经出版社1993 1998

  • 《中国经济大辞库·金融卷》(戴相龙主编),分卷主编,中国经济出版社1994

  • 《国际金融百科全书》(王传纶主编),分卷主编,中国金融出版社1994

  • 《国际金融原理》,合著,学苑出版社1989

  • 《国际金融导论》,合著,中国财经出版社1991

  • 《社会主义初级阶段的经济理论》(刘光第主编),参编, 中国金融出版社1992

  • 《货币银行学》(张玉文主编),参编,中国财经出版社19921994

  • 《金融概论(修订版)》(王佩真主编),参编,中国财经出版社,1999

    Selected Publications and Speeches in English


    Papers and Book Chapters

  • The Heterogenous Threshold Effects of Public Debt on Economic Growth: Empirical Evidence from Developing Countries”,Open Economies Review,(With Ali Syed Sadaqat, Kunyu Tao, Chan Wang, David Dickinson, Volume 35, Issue 2, April, 2024

  • “Heterogeneous International Monetary Transmissions: The Role of Inflation”, Journal of International Money and Finance, (with Jie Li, Xiangyuan Meng), volume 138, 102935, November, 2023

  • The Impact of Cross-border E-commerce Policy on Import: Evidence from China, Journal of Global Information Management, (with Yan Zhang, Chang Zhao), volume 31, issue 6, 2023

  • Internationalization of the Korean Won in the Light of the RMB Internationalization”,Co-editor, Korea Institute For International Economics Policy, February, 2022

  • China’s Financial Innovation: Process, Drive, and Impacts”,in “The Oxford Handbook of China Innovation”edited by Xiaolan Fu, Bruce McKern, and Jin Chen, Oxford University Press, 2021

  • Dealing with the Financial Risks in Emerging Market Economies during the post Pandemic of Covid-19”,Conference Paper, forReforming the Global Financial Safety Net: Financial Instability, Global Pandemics, Climate Change, and Sustainable Development” , Global Development Policy Center, Boston University, October 19 and 20, 2020

  • Comments on Toward an Asian Monetary Fund: Ideas for Transition”,Asian Economic Papers, MIT press, 2020 Summer, Vol. 19 Issue 2, p80-83. 4p.

  • “Reaping the Benefits of China’s Opening Financial Sector”, East Asia Forum, Australia National University, (with Yan Zhang and Zhixiao Dong),16 October, 2019

  • “Financial Sector Opening and Financial Constraints: an Empirical Study based on China’s Experiences” (with Yan Zhang and Zhixiao Dong), China Economic Journal, Taylor & Francis (Routledge), Volume 12 Issue 3, 2019

  • Comments on Push vs.  Pull Factors of Capital Flows Revisited: A Cross-country Analysis”,Asian Economics Paper, MIT Press, 2019, 18 (1),

  • “Economics of Renminbi Internationalization” (with Kunyu Tao), Asian Economics Paper, MIT Press, 2016, 15(1):104-123, Winter/Sp.

  • “Demystifying China's Economic Growth: Retrospect and Prospect” (with Qin Gou), in “Rethinking Development Strategies after the Financial Crisis”, edited by Dullien Sebastian and others, UNCTAD press, 2015

  • “Capital Account Liberalization in China” (with Qin Gou), in “China’s Domestic Transformation in A Global Context”, edited by Ligang Song, Ross Garnaut, Cai Fang and Lauren Johnston, Australia National University Press. 2015.

  • “Reforming International Monetary System and Internationalization of RMB: A Chinese perspective”, in “The International Monetary System, Energy and Sustainable Development” (edited by Sung Jin Kang and Yung Chul Park), Routledge Press, February, 2015

  • “The Benefits and Costs of Renminbi Internationalization” (with Kunyu Tao), in “Renminbi Internationalization: Achievements, Prospects, and Challenges” (edited by Barry Eichengreen and Masahiro Kawai), Brookings Institution Press and Asian Development Bank, February, 2015.

  • “China's Financial Sector Development: Understanding the Past and Shaping the Future” (with Xiaofen Tan), in “A New Economic Growth Engine for China” (edited by Wing Thye Woo and others), World Scientific Press, June, 2012

  • Regional Financial Cooperation in East Asia: Recent Developments and Prospects” (with Jie Li), German Development Institute, June, 2011, Berlin.

  • “A Chinese Perspective on Structural Reform in East Asia”, Note for the Asia G20 Roundtable Discussion on “Rebalancing Asian Growth: Challenges of Structural Reform and the Role of Exchange-Rate Policies”, October 4, 2010, Seoul.

  • “China’s Adjustment in Economic Development Strategy”, conference on “New Growth Strategies for Asian Economies” run by Faculty of Economics & Administration, University of Malaya on, Conference Paper, November 24-25, 2009, Kuala Lumpur.

  • “Is the Pessimism on Chinese Economy Warranted?”, Article for East Asia Forum, Australia National University, February 20, 2009, Canberra.

  • “Global Financial Crisis: Causes and its Impacts on China”, Conference Paper, March 22-23, 2009, AEP, Jakarta,

  • Reform of the Global Reserve Currency Regime: Some Issues and the Choices for China”, conference on “Toward a World Reserve System”, organized by Initiative for Policy Dialogue in Columbia University and Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Conference Paper, November 6, 2009, New York.

  • “China’s Policy Responses to the Global Financial Crisis: Efficacy and Risks”, September, Discussion Paper, German Development Institute, Berlin, 2009.

  • “Effect of China’s Rise on East Asian Economic Integration”, Economic Changes and Restructuring, with Zhixian Sun, Springer, October, 2008

  • “China’s External Imbalance: Diagnose and Prescription”, Conference Paper, "New Monetary and Exchange-Rate Arrangements for East Asia", May 22-27, 2006, Bellagio, Italy.

  • "Coping with China's Balance of Payments: Why and How"? World Economy and China, No 4, 2004, Beijing.

  • "China's Integration into the World Economy: Repercussions of China's Accession to the WTO", Discussion Paper, the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy (KIEP), 2002, Seoul, Korea.

  • “China’s Capital Account Liberalization: Progress and Policies”, in "Financial Reform in China: Bridging the Gap between Plan and Market", edited by Henk Van Gemert, Shaker Publishing, 2001, Maastricht, Netherlands.

  • "The Reform of Foreign Exchange Regime in China: Review and Prospect", Conference Paper, 14th Australasian Finance & Banking Conference, December 17-19, 2001, Sydney, Australia.

  • "Confronting WTO: Thoughts on Further Reform of China’s Foreign Exchange Management System", World Economy and China, No.4, 2000, Beijing.


    Keynote Speeches, Open Speeches and Presentations

  • Speech on “Renminbi Internationalization and China-Korea Economic Cooperation”, at conference “Future of Chinese Renminbi and Korean Economy” run by NEAR Foundation, June 26, Seoul, 2017

  • Speech on “Future of RMB Internationalization and China’s Macroeconomic Policies”, 23rd Annual Reserve Management Seminar, UBS, June12-15, Wolfsberg Center, Switzerland, 2017

  • Speech on “Whither Economic Globalization?”, at conference “A NEW CHAPTER IN THE GLOBAL ECONOMY?” jointly organized by US-Korea Institute at SAIS with John Hopkins University and Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee, April 21, 2017

  • Speech on “Trump’s Economics Policies and Its Possible Impacts”, Chinese Financial Association (Boston), March 22, 2017

  • Speech on China’s Capital Account Liberalization and RMB Internationalization”, Open Lecture, Harvard University, March 27, 2017

  • Speech on “Interpreting the Slowdown of Growth in China since 2011”, CES panel discussion, AEA, January 6, 2017, Chicago

  • Speech on “Brexit and the Future of European Integration”, International Annual Meeting by Shanghai Institute of Finance and Law, November 2, 2016, Shanghai.

  • Speech on “Capital Account Management: A New Perspective”, 7th Asia-pacific Forum on Economics and Finance, September 23, 2016, Beijing

  • Speech on “Demand Management and Economic Growth in China”, “Beijing International Finance Forum, Annual Meeting, 2016”, August 31, Beijing

  • Open Lecture “Asian Financial Cooperation and The Role of RMB Internationalization August”, International Workshop on“ Trilateral Cooperation Youth Forum 2016”August 14, 2016, Seoul.

  • Speech on “The Reform of Global Reserve System and Internationalization of Renminbi”, international conference on“ Reform of Global Financial Architecture (GFA): Short Term Measures and Long Term Goals”, July 22, 2016Chengdu

  • Speech on “Prospects of Asian Financial Integration”, “The 6th Asia Research Forum” run by CASS, July 1, Beijing

  • Speech on “The Prospect of China-EU FTA”, International Conference on “EU-China FTA”, May 17, 2016, Brussel.

  • Speech on “A Global Action on International Capital Management”International Conference on “G20 and Global Financial Stability” , March 20, Beijing

  • Speech on “Development Finance: New Opportunity and Challenges”, International Conference “Stronger Global Economic Growth: Policies, Drivers and Institutions”, Feb.28, 2016, Shanghai.

  • Speech on “MDBs’ Investment in infrastructure: Opportunities and Challenges”“T20 International Conference: Global Financial Governance and Innovation”, January 27-28, 2016, Shenzhen.

  • Speech at Conference on “Exploring New Paths for Development: Experiences from Latin America and China”RUC and Columbia University, Aug 28-29, 2015, Beijing.

  • Presentation on “Capital Account Liberalization in China”, China Update Annual Conference: China’s Domestic Transformation in A Global Context run by Australia National University, July, 2015

  • Keynote Speech on “The Future of RMB Internationalization” CESA (Chinese Economic Association in Australia), July, Wollongong University, 2015

  • Lunch Speech on China’s Macroeconomic Situation and Financial Opening up Policies, jointly run by Shine Wing Australia and Center for China Study with Melbourne University, July 2015

  • Presentation on “Should China Accelerate Its Capital Account Liberalization?”, 7th International Policy Advisory Group (IPAG) Meeting: Asia’s Growth and Development Challenges after the Global Financial Crisis, run by The Asian Development Bank and the Earth Institute with Columbia University, 3–4 August 2015, Manila, Philippines.

  • “China’s External Financial Policies: Problems and Prospects”, Note for the workshop “Economic Relations between US and China”, RUC Chongyang Institute, March 31, 2015

  • Open speech on “Towards a New Norm for China’s Economic Growth: Why and How?”, the 15th International Finance Forum run by Korea Financial News, April 23-24, 2014, Seoul.

  • Keynote Speech on “Benefits and Costs of RMB Internationalization”, World Finance Conference, June, 2014, Beijing

  • Presentation on “The Benefits and Costs of Renminbi Internationalization”, workshop on ADB project , “Internationalization of RMB”, August, 2014, Tokyo

  • Presentation on “The Economics of RMB Internationalization”, AEP, September, 2014, Tokyo

  • Open lecture on “Reform of Global Reserve System and RMB Internationalization”, October 21, 2014, SOAS, London

  • Presentation on “Internationalization of RMB and Capital Account Liberalization in China”, conference on Chinese Economy run by University of Birmingham and CUFE, Birmingham, November, 2014

  • Presentation on “Reforming International Monetary System and Internationalization of RMB: A Chinese perspective”, workshop on “The International Monetary System, Energy and Sustainable Development”, November, 2013, Seoul

  • Lecture on “China’s Financial Reform and its Lessons to Myanmar”, training program for senior officials in Myanmar Central Bank, July 5, 2012.

  • Presentation on“Prospects of Asian Financial Integration”, the Shadow G-20 Workshop the International Policy Advisory GroupSeoul, Dec 3-4, 2012

  • Presentation on “Reform of Global Reserve System and China’s Choice”, workshop on “Reforming the Global Monetary System” jointly run by School of Finance with CUFE and the Initiative for Policy Dialogue with Columbia University, March 18-19, 2011, Beijing.

  • Open speech on “Reforming International Monetary System: A Chinese Perspective”, conference on “International Monetary System: Reforms & Agendas” run by Korean Institute of Finance and Asian Development Bank, March 22, 2011, Seoul.

  • Open speech on “Global Imbalance and Its Rebalance”, conference on “Trade and Development: Asia’s Turning Point” jointly run by ADB-KIEP-SNU, June 30, 2011, Seoul.

  • Presentation on “Reforming the International Monetary System: Why and How?”, ADBI-IEA Panel Session “International Monetary and Financial Architecture: Asian Perspective”, The Triennial World Congress of the International Economic Association, Tsinghua University, 4-8 July 2011, Beijing.

  • Presentation on “Towards a Stable International Financial System”, the Shadow G20 Workshop of the International Policy Advisory Group (IPAG) “Threats to the Global Economy: Debt, Currency, Banking and Structural Change”, jointly run by ADB and Earth Institute with Columbia University, 29-30 October 2011, Reid Hall, Paris

  • Open speech on “Internationalization of RMB and its Possible Impacts”, Japan Daiwa Institute Panel Discussion, Nov 28, 2011.

  • Open Speech on “Towards a New Development Strategy in China: Why and How?”, Regional Outlook Forum 2010, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, January 7, 2010, Singapore.

  • Presentation on “Towards a New Development Strategy in China: Why and How?”, workshop on “Trade Policies in International Comparison”, organized by DAAD Partnership on Economic Development Studies and University of Jordan, November 2-5, 2010, Amman.

  • Open Speech on “Global Financial Crisis: Causes and its Impacts on China”, March 22-23, 2009, AEP, Jakarta,

  • Presentation on “China’s Liberalization of Capital Account: Benefits and Risks”, June 25-26, 2008, International Conference on Regulation, China Task Force, IPD of Columbia University, Manchester.

  • Lecture on “China's Experience with External Trade Reform”, training program for senior official of Vietnam government (UNDP Project), February 27-28, 2003, Hanoi.


  • Comment on “A compelling case for Chinese monetary easing” by Guonan MaAEEF, December, Tokyo, 2014

  • Comments on “Rebalancing and Sustaining Growth in the PRC” by Ligang Song, at ADB and CCER Conference on “Middle Income Trap China is Facing With”, February 25, 2011, Beijing.

  • Comments on “Policy Cooperation in the Euro area after the Global Financial Crisis” by Stefan Collignon, ADBI annual conference, November 2, 2011,Tokyo.

  • Comments on “Global Economic Slowdown & Debt Sustainability in the US, Europe & Japan” by Sandro Momigliano, Jun Saito and Jacob Kirkegaard, December 9-10, 2011, Seoul.

  • Comment on “Causes and Remedies of China’ External Imbalances” by Huang Yiping and Tao Kunyu, AEP, March 23-24, 2010, Seoul.

  • Comment on “The Global Impact of Chinese Growth” by Ippei Fujiwara, Keisuke Otsu and Masashi SaitoAEP, September 12-13, 2010, Tokyo.

  • Comments on Masahiro Kawai’s Paper at the Reserve Currency Reform Workshop by ADBI and CCIEE, November 26, 2010, Beijing.

  • Comment on “Optimal Amount of China’s Foreign Exchange Reserves” by Hongzhong Liu, AEP, April 25-26, 2008, Seoul.

  • Comment on “China: Learning From the Asian Financial Crisis” by Yongding Yu, Conference on “Ten Years after the Asian Financial Crisis: Vulnerabilities of East Asia”, February 26-27, 2007, Bangkok.

  • Comment on “Financial Liberalization, Crises, and Economic Growth” by Inkoo Lee and Jong-Hyup Shin, AEP, April 9-10, 2007, Washington D.C.

  • Comment on “Ten Challenges China is Facing with”, December 7-8, AEP, 2007, Tokyo.

  • Comment on "On the Renminbi: The Choice between Adjustment under a Fixed Exchange Rate and Adjustment under a Flexible Rate" by Jeffrey Frankel, AEA meeting, Jan 6, 2006, Boston.

  • Comment on "What East Asian Countries should do to address global saving-investment imbalances" by Anwar Nasution, AEP meeting, March 20, 2006, Seoul.

  • Comment on "Whither Should the Asian Financial Integration Go?" by Yong-Chul Park, AEP, September 29, 2006, Tokyo.




