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第二届亚太经济与金融论坛 改革开放 30 年后的中国金融发展:机遇与挑战

[发布日期]:2008-11-09  [浏览次数]:

主办: 澳门威斯人游戏网站官网



协办: 中央财经大学国际金融研究中心




网络视频: 中国学术会议在线

时间: 2008 年 11 月 9-10 日

地点: 北京市海淀区学院南路 39 号 中央财经大学中财大厦 2 层


9:00 – 9:15


澳门威斯人游戏网站官网院长 张礼卿教授

蒙纳士大学商学院副院长 谭安杰( On Kit Tam )教授

清华-布鲁金斯公共政策研究中心主任 肖 耿 教授

9:15 – 12:30

专题讨论之一金融改革与开放 30年:历史回顾和经验启示


  • 澳门威斯人游戏网站官网院长 张礼卿 教授


  • 中国国家统计局局长 马建堂 博士

  • 中央财经大学校长 王广谦 教授


  • 中国社会科学院金融研究所副所长 王松奇 教授

  • 澳大利亚蒙纳士大学商学院副院长 谭安杰( On Kit Tam )教授

  • 西南财经大学中国金融研究中心主任 刘锡良 教授

  • 中国人民大学中国财政金融政策研究中心主任 张杰 教授

  • 中央财经大学校长助理 史建平 教授

  • 澳门威斯人游戏网站官网 郭田勇 教授


12 : 30 - 13:30


13:30 - 15:45



  • 蒙纳士大学商学院副院长 谭安杰( On Kit Tam )教授


  • 美国斯坦福大学经济系 Ronald I. McKinnon 教授


  • 中国人民大学校长助理 吴晓求 教授

  • 中国证监会研究中心主任 祁斌 博士

  • 中信证券董事长 王东明 先生

  • 北京师范大学金融研究中心主任 钟伟 教授

  • 巴黎百富勤投资公司亚太区首席经济学家 陈兴动 博士

  • 清华-布鲁金斯公共政策研究中心主任 肖耿教授




16:00 - 18:15



  • 清华-布鲁金斯公共政策研究中心主任 肖 耿 教授


  • 教育部经济学教学指导委员会主任、南开大学原副校长 逄锦聚 教授

  • 中央财经大学讲座教授、美国布鲁金斯学会高级研究员胡永泰( Wing T. Woo )教授


  • 中国银行业协会常务副会长 杨再平 博士

  • 北京银行董事长 阎冰竹 先生

  • 中国国际金融公司首席战略分析师 黄海洲 博士

  • 花旗集团亚太区首席经济学家 黄益平 博士

  • 德国发展研究院高级研究员 Ulrich Volz 博士

  • 澳门威斯人游戏网站官网院长 张礼卿教授



平行会场一 银行、资本市场改革与金融发展






  • 二重结构与中国金融制度变迁的路径选择:一个新制度经济学的视角

郭梅亮 、 徐璋勇,西北大学中国西部经济发展研究中心

  • 二元金融结构发展演变与支农绩效


  • 境外战略投资者对我国上市银行公司治理和绩效影响的实证研究


• 中国商业银行信贷投资传导机制的统计分析


  • Some Figures of Ukrainian Banking System Development , Andrii Nikitin , docent , Banking management department , KNEU ,乌克兰基辅国民经济大学银行金融系

  • 改革开放三十年:城商行发展总结、挑战及未来方向


  • 中国国有商业银行改革绩效的实证检验


  • 我国银行不良资产证券化市场环境培育的若干问题


  • 国际资本流动对中国宏观经济稳定影响的实证分析


  • 国际金融格局变动与中国的对策分析






  • 上市公司盈利能力综合评价及其影响因素研究


  • 控股股东、非公允关联交易与利益输送


  • 印花税税率调整、股市波动性风险与行业差异


  • 我国债券市场收益率宏观经济影响因素的实证分析


  • 对韩国债权型基金绩效持续性研究


  • Research on Market Competition and Dynamic Adjustment of Capital Structure — Based on Nonstationary Panel Data Analysis in the bank industry


  • Time interval and optimal asset allocations: The case of Hong Kong

CHEN Rui , LIU Si , Hong Kong University , 香港大学房地产与建筑系

  • Estimations for risk premium by APT model


  • Corporative Models of Income Taxation

Sverdan М. ,乌克兰基辅国民经济大学财政系

平行会场二 经济形势与政策、 金融危机




主持人:金哲松教授,澳门威斯人游戏网站官网国际经济与贸 易系 博士生导师


• The Stakes of China in the Global Economic Debacle : Less to Lose, More to Gain

Kwangbong Lee, 邹质霞 , 韩国仁济大学 (Inje University)

• 转型期开放经济下的中国货币政策操作规范研究

卞志村、李华威, 南京大学商学院

• Total Factor Productivity and Economic Growth in Macao


• 黄金价格与经济活动——中国黄金市场分析及其货币政策涵义


• 人民币汇率变动的贸易收支效应实证


• 汇率变动与出口价格传递:一个扩展的古诺模型


• 汇率波动对我国对美出口贸易影响的实证研究


• 新时期中国国防科技工业转型升级研究


• 人民币实际有效汇率的长期决定因素研究: 1994-2008


• Fiscal Administration of Personal Revenues, In the Post-Soviet Market Transition Economic: Experience of Ukraine

Slavkova A ,乌克兰基辅国民经济大学财政系





• 美国次级贷款危机:背景、原因与启示


• 金融危机的演化阶段及其美国检视

姚金海 , 武汉大学社会保障研究中心

• 对美国挽救金融危机政策措施的反思


• 美国次级债危机的解析与启示


• 美国次债危机对中国经济与金融稳定的影响和对策研究

龚建辉, 中国企业国际发展协会

• 21 世纪美国金融大地震引发的中国式思考

郭建伟, 江南大学金融系;彭志清、赵庆华,华中科技大学

• 次贷危机警示国内银行加强全面风险管理


• 关于我国金融安全预警体系的思考


嘉 宾 简 介







中国国际金融有限公司研究部董事总经理及策略组负责人,原 国际货币基金组织高级经济学家,清华大学经济管理学院特聘教授。主要研究领域包括公司财务、金融监管、国际金融、货币经济学和货币政策等。






国家统计局党组书记、局长,国家有突出贡献专家,研究员,中国经济学 50 人论坛学者。主要研究领域为企业行为、产业结构、产业组织和宏观经济。

Mckinnon, I. Ronald(罗纳德?麦金农)

当代金融发展理论奠基人、美国斯坦福大学经济学系 William D. Eberle 讲座 教授、澳门威斯人游戏网站官网荣誉教授。主要研究兴趣是国际经济学和经济发展问题,同时还涉及转型经济、财政联邦制、银行和金融市场监管,以及全球和地区货币体系的演变等问题。







Tam, K. On( 谭安杰)

澳大利亚蒙纳士大学商学院副院长,教授。 主要研究领域是亚太地区(特别是中国)货币政策管理、金融发展及公司管理。

Volz, Ulrich








Woo, T. Wing( 胡永泰)



中国人民大学教授、博士生导师,校长助理,研究生院常务副院长,中国人民大学金融与证券研究所所长, 教育部“新世纪优秀人才计划”人选。 主要研究领域为资本市场。














澳门威斯人游戏网站官网(前身为该校金融系,始建于 1949 年; 2003 年起使用现名),是新中国最早建立的金融人才培养基地之一。早在 1953 年和 1956 年,金融系就相继开办了全国第一个金融学专业研究生班和外国留学生班, 1960 年率先开办了全国第一个金融学本科专业。经过近 60 年的发展,学院不仅具备了多层次、高质量的人才培养体系,而且在科学研究、服务社会等方面取得了突出的成就。

目前,学院所属的金融学和国际贸易学科均为国家重点学科。学院设有金融学系、应用金融系、金融工程系、国际金融系、国际经济与贸易系 5 个教学单位,以及国际金融研究中心、证券期货研究所、中国银行业研究中心 3 个研究机构。在教育项目方面,设有金融学、国际经济与贸易(含中澳合作“国际贸易 / 金融风险管理方向”)和金融工程 3 个本科专业;金融学、国际贸易学、国际金融学和证券投资学 4 个硕士研究生专业;金融学和国际贸易学 2 个博士研究生专业。学院还拥有应用经济学一级学科下金融学专业博士后流动站。目前,学院拥有全日制在校学生 1500 余人,其中,本科生 1100 余人,硕士 和 博士研究生 400 余人,在职研究生 200 余人。

学院现有专任教师 51 人,其中,教授 16 人、副教授 18 人,讲师 17 人。长期以来,学院一直以拥有高水平的师资团队而骄傲。近年来,学院已形成一支以 王广谦 教授为核心的优秀师资队伍,其中包括 2 名国家级百千万人才工程入选者、 1 名国家教学名师奖获得者、 1 名全国优秀教师, 6 名享受政府特殊津贴专家, 4 名教育部新世纪优秀人才入选者、 3 名财政部跨世纪学科带头人,以及一支以金融学系为主体的国家级优秀教学团队。此外,学院还聘请了约瑟夫 ? 斯蒂格利茨、罗纳德 ? 麦金农、约翰 ? 威廉姆森和胡永泰等国际著名经济学家,以及戴相龙、吴晓灵、吴念鲁和李扬等国内知名专家学者担 任名誉 教授、讲座教授 和兼职 教授。

自 2000 年以来学院教师主持完成了国家级、省部级及横向委托等科研项目 40 余项,获得省部级以上奖励 20 余项,发表论文千余篇,出版各种专著、译著、教材及参考工具书等 120 余部。在社会服务方面,学院教师利用自己的专业优势,积极参与政府决策咨询、企业经营咨询和人员培训等活动,得到了广泛的社会认可。学院还同许多国内外著名的高等院校、研究机构、学术团体和政府部门建立了广泛而密切的学术交流和教育合作关系,国际化程度正在不断提高。


2006 年 10 月 24 日 ,美国布鲁金斯学会与清华大学签署合作备忘录,在北京成立了一个公共政策联合研究中心,“清华—布鲁金斯研究中心”。该中心设在清华大学公共管理学院,并成为布鲁金斯学会设在华盛顿的约翰 ? 桑顿中国研究中心的一个海外研究基地。

由肖耿博士领导的清华 - 布鲁金斯研究中心,通过建立一个长期的海外研究平台来支持布鲁金斯学者在中国的调研,将对布鲁金斯学会发展成为一个全球性智囊机构起到重要的作用。



清华 - 布鲁金斯研究中心将组织出版刊物及论文系列。《政策研究简报系列》将发表中心举办的讲座、小型会议、圆桌研讨会议的概要。清华 - 布鲁金斯研究中心还将设立访问学者项目,方便国际学者对中国的发展政策、中美关系、及中国不断增强的对全球的影响进行研究。


蒙纳士大学是澳大利亚国立综合研究性大学。自 1960 年代起,蒙纳士作为英联邦“哥伦坡” (Colombo) 奖学金计划”的主要执行大学向亚洲、非洲和太平洋区域英联邦发展中国家与地区的优秀青年提供一系列本科、硕士 和 博士等学位的教育,培养了为数众多的优秀人才。他们目前在众多的国家政界、学术界和商界成长为影响历史进程的决策人物。这些优秀的毕业生使蒙纳士大学蜚声海外,半个世纪来一直是海外学生趋之若鹜的澳洲著名学府之一。

蒙纳士大学下设 10 个学院,并建有数十个具备世界水准的专业研究所及与政府和各国大型企业合作创建的研究中心。蒙纳士大学向本国和海外提供 978 种学位教育,包括本科和双本科学位;研究生证书;课程硕士学位和双硕士学位;研究性硕士学位;博士学位

近年来英国泰晤士报高等教育专刊“世界最优秀 200 家大学”排行榜将蒙纳士大学排位于全球第 33 位。 2006 年,世界级权威杂志“经济学家”将蒙纳士大学商学院的 MBA 课程排位世界第 49 位,澳大利亚第一位。作为澳大利亚八大顶级名校之一,蒙纳士大学以其一流的教学质量及世界领先的科研成果闻名于全世界。

蒙纳士大学在大洋洲、亚洲、非洲和欧洲的四大洲,共设有八个校区和两个教育科研中心,为蒙纳士大学实现教育与科研的国际化提供了跨越国界的运作平台。大学现有 5100 多员工,其中教师 2400 多人。目前在校生总数超过五万,分别来自 100 多个国家。目前大学约有 13,000 名研究生修读课程硕士,研究硕士 和 博士学位。

蒙纳士大学商学院 是澳大利亚及世界规模最大和学科设置臻于完善的商学院之一。学院提供 56 类本科和双本科学位, 73 类研究生证书学位, 56 类硕士和双硕士学位,以及博士学位和工商 管理 博士学位。目前共有 15,000 名以上的本科生和研究生在读。


商学院已通过欧洲商学院质量认证体系( EQUIS )的审评并获得认证。 EQUIS 是由欧洲管理发展基金会针对工商学院的国际性质量认证体系,以国际性管理教育的卓有成效为认证标准,是欧洲最严格的质量认证体系。 EQUIS 的认证进一步奠定了蒙纳士大学作为国际一流学府,在商学与管理学术领域的世界领先地位。


中央财经大学国际金融研究中心成立于 2003 年 9 月。本中心依托国家重点学科—澳门威斯人游戏网站官网的学科优势和研究队伍,广泛联系国内外相关学术机构,致力于对国际金融等领域的最新理论发展和政策实践进行研究。其宗旨是在积极推动基础性理论研究的同时,面向社会,为政府部门、金融机构和企业组织等提供信息咨询和决策参考服务。本中心的研究方向主要包括国际金融、国际投资、国际金融市场、宏观经济和公司融资等。


中心成立以来,张礼卿教授带领中心人员对人民币汇率问题、全球经济失衡、资本流动和资本账户以及开放条件下的宏观经济政策等若干重大问题开展了研究,多次组织学术报告会和研讨会。其中, 2003 年 10 月 30 日 召开“人民币汇率国际学术研讨会”、 2006 年 10 月 26-27 日召开“全球经济失衡及其调整:宏观经济政策与制度改革”国际学术研讨会,均产生了较大的社会影响。此外,中心还承担了国家社会科学基金项目、国家自然科学基金项目、教育部人文社科规划项目等多项课题的研究,并出版了多期工作论文。


中央财经大学证券期货研究所创立于 1994 年 4 月,是国内第一家专门从事证券期货研究的高级研究机构。研究所是在全国著名金融学家 刘光第 教授倡导下经中央财经大学正式批准建立的,现任所长为澳门威斯人游戏网站官网 贺强 教授,共有成员 22 人,并由吴敬琏、肖灼基等国内著名经济学家担任高级顾问。

研究所成立以来,积极探索我国资本市场及经济发展中的问题,对证券市场进行了系统地跟踪,并且对企业资产重组、国有企业股份制改造以及宏观经济预测等方面也有深入的研究,取得了丰硕的研究成果。公开出版著作 20 部,其中主编 10 部、合作编写 12 部;公开发表有关金融及证券市场的论文 300 多篇;主持了国家自然科学基金和国家社会科学基金等课题 3 项、参加研究 5 项。

研究所十分重视参加社会实践活动, 贺强 教授带领研究所人员走访了许多上市公司,并在此基础上撰写出《我国上市公司业绩水平研究》、《北京市上市公司业绩分析》及《关于法人股市场的调查报告》,受到中央领导的高度重视。 贺强 教授曾多次受到国家证监会及银行部门领导的邀请,反映证券市场的情况,提供监管意见,他的建议得到有关部门的高度重视。

研究所在学校的支持下,积极开展校内外的学术交流活动,与报社、杂志社、中央电视台及广播电台合作,开辟学术专栏。研究所的大量科研成果已经在中金网、中央电视台商务电视网以及香港中国咨讯网公布。研究所成立至今,在 贺强 教授的主持下,密切联系实际,对资本市场进行了全面而深入的研究,取得了一系列重要的学术成果,产生了很好的社会影响。


中央财经大学中国银行业研究中心成立于 2005 年 9 月。中心依托国家重点学科 — 澳门威斯人游戏网站官网的学科优势和研究队伍,广泛联系国内外相关学术机构,致力于对中国银行业等领域的最新理论发展和政策实践进行研究。其宗旨是在积极推动基础性理论研究的同时,面向社会,为政府部门、金融机构和企业组织等提供信息咨询和决策参考服务。中心的研究方向主要包括银行改革、宏观经济、货币政策、房地产以及资本市场等。 中心成立以来,曾多次组织课题研究。其中,“中小企业融资与金融服务问题研究”(霍英东教育基金会项目)、“股权董事在银行治理中的作用”(中央汇金投资公司项目)、“国家高新区融资问题研究”(科技部项目)等一系列研究成果在学术界和业界具有较大影响。

The Second Asia-Pacific Economic and Financial Forum

Review of China's Economic and Financial Conditions:

Challenges and Opportunities after 30 Years' of Reform


School of Finance with Central University of Finance and Economics

Brookings-TsinghuaCenterfor Public Policy

MonashUniversityFaculty of Business and Economics

CUFE Center for International Finance Studies

CUFE Institute for Securities and Futures

CUFECenterfor China Banking Industry Studies

Media Support


ChinaBusiness News

The China Science-Meeting Online

November 9-10, 2008

Central University of Finance and Economics

39 South College Road, Beijing , China


Day 1, November 9, 2008

VenueAcademic Hall,Second Floor,ZhongcaiBuilding, CUFE


Opening Section

Welcome Remarks by

Professor Zhang Liqing, Dean, School of Finance , CUFE

Professor Xiao Geng, Director, Brookings-Hsinghua Center for Public Policy

Professor On kit Tam, Deputy Dean, Monash University Faculty of Business and Economics


Section I: Opportunities and Challenges to China 's Financial D evelopment after 30 Years of Reform


  • Professor Zhang Liqing, Dean, School of Finance , CUFE

Keynote speakers :

  • Dr. Ma Jiantang, Director of National Bureau of Statistics of China

  • Professor Wang Guangqian, President of CUFE

Panelists :

  • Professor Wang Songqi, D eputy D irector, Institute of Banking and Finance, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

  • Professor Tam K. On, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University , Australia

  • Professor Liu Xiliang, Center for China Financial Policy Research, Southwestern University of Finance and Economics

  • Professor Zhang Jie, D irector, China Financial Policy Research Center , Renmin University of China

  • Professor Shi Jianping, Assistant President, CUFE

  • Professor Guo Tianyong, School of Finance , CUFE

Q & A

12: 30-13: 30


13:30 - 15:45

Section II: Review of China's Macro Economic and Financial Conditions and Policies

Moderator :

  • Professor Tam, K. On, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University

Keynote speakers :

  • McKinnon, I. Ronald, William D. Eberle Professor of International Economics, Stanford University

Panelists :

  • Professor Wu Xiaoqiu, Director, Assistant President, Renmin University of China

  • Dr. Qi Bin, D irector, Research Center , China Securities Regulatory Commission

  • Mr. Wang D ongmin, Chairman, CITIC Securities

  • Professor Zhong Wei, Center for China Finance Research, Beijing Normal University

  • D r. Chen Xingdong, Chief Economist, BNP Paribas

  • Professor Xiao Geng, Director, Brookings-Tsinghua Center for Public Policy

Q & A


Tea Break


Section III: Global Financial Crisis and its Implications to China

Moderator :

  • Professor Xiao Geng, Director, Brookings-Tsinghua Center for Public Policy

Keynote speakers :

  • Professor Pang Jinju, Chairman of Economics Teaching Steering Committee of Minister of Education of China

  • Professor Woo, T. Wing, Changjiang Scholar, CUFE and Senior Fellow, Brookings Institution

Panelists :

  • Dr. Yang Zaiping, Executive Vice President , China Banking Association

  • Mr. Yan Bingzhu, Chairman, Bank of Beijing

  • Dr. Huang Haizhou, Chief Strategist, China International Capital Corporation

  • Dr. Huang Yiping, Chief Economist of Asia-Pacific region, Citigroup

  • Dr. Volz, Ulrich, Senior Fellow, German D evelopment Institute

  • Professor Zhang Liqing, D ean, School of Finance , CUFE

Q & A

Day 2,November 10, 2008

Parallel SectionI:Banking, Capital Market Reform and Financial Development

Venue:Academic Hall , Second Floor, Zhongcai Building , CUFE,

Topic One: Banking Reform and Financial Development (10 minutes for every speaker, 10 minutes for discussion)


Moderator:Professor Li Jianjun, Assistant Dean, School of Finance , CUFE


  • The Dual Structure and the Path Option of China Financial System Change: a New Institutional Economics Perspective.

( Mei Liang-Guo, Zhang Yong-Xu, Center for Studies of China Western Economic Development, Northwest University , China )

  • Economic Performance of Dualistic Financial Structure Development in Rural Areas

(Chen Shingxing, Economical Department of Zhejiang Provincial Committee Party School , China )

  • The Effect of Foreign Strategic investor on the Corporate Governance and Performance of China 's Listed Banks

(Liu Yi, Xu Yong, School of Finance , Hunan University, China )

  • Statistical Analyze on Transmission Mechanism of Credit Investment in China 's Commercial Banks

(DENG Qi-zhong, Management of school, Hunan University of Science and Technology; ZOU Xin-yue, Economics and Management School , Wuhan University , China )

  • Some Figures of Ukrainian Banking System Development

(Andrii Nikitin, Banking Management Department, Kyiv national Economics University , Ukraine )

  • Urban Banks'Development, Challenge and Future

(Zhang Jiguang, Strategy Department of Shanghai Bank)

  • The Empirical Test on Reform Effect of China's State-owned Commercial Banks

(Li Xiyi, Chinese Academy of Science and Technology Development)

  • Issues on China 's Non-Performing Asset Securitization Market Environment

(Ma Lijuan, School of Finance , Central University of Finance and Economics , China )

  • Empirical Study on Impact of International Capital Flows on China 's Economic Stability,

(Zhang Biqiong, School of Finance , Central University of Finance and Economics , China )

  • The Change of Global Financial Structure and Strategy Analysis for China

(Xiu jing, China Youth University for Political Sciences)


Tea Break

Topic Two: Capital Market Reform and Development(10 minutes for every speaker, 10 minutes for discussion)


Moderator:Associate Professor Ying Zhanyu, Assistant Dean, School of Finance , CUFE

Papers and Presenters:

  • Comprehensive Evaluation of Profitability, Impact Factors of Listed Companies

(Xue Deyu, Gao Lei, Institute of International Finance, Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology , China )

  • Controlling Shareholders, Unfair Related Party Transactions and Benefits Tunneling

(Li Guangzhi, Liu Li, Guanghua School of Management, Peking University )

  • Adjustment of Rate of Stamp Duty, Stock Market Volatility Risk and Industries Differences

(Wang Xiaoling, Shanghai Lixin University of Commerce)

  • Macroeconomic Influencing Factors of China 's Bond Market Yield: Empirical Analysis

(Li Leining, School of Finance , Central University of Finance and Economics , China )

  • Research on Bond-type Fund Sustainable Performance in Republic of Korea

(Cui Juan & Jin Hongpei. Dongseo University , ROK)

  • Research on Market Competition and Dynamic Adjustment of Capital Structure — Based on Nonstationary Panel Data Analysis in the Banking

(Shiping-Huang, hongjun-Xiao, School of Management, Dalian University of Technology ; Xuping-Huang, School of English for international business, Guangdong University of foreign studies)

  • Time interval and optimal asset allocations: The case of Hong Kong

(CHEN Rui, LIU Si, Hong Kong University )

  • Estimations for risk premium by APT model

(Shi Xiuhong, School of Finance , Central University of Finance and Economics , China )

  • Corporative Models of Income Taxation

(Sverdan М., Department of Finance, Kyiv national Economics University , Ukraine )

Parallel SectionII: Economic Conditions and Policies, Financial Crisis

Venue:Academic Hall , Third Floor, Zhongcai Building , CUFE

Topic One: Economic Conditions and Policies(10 minutes for every speaker, 10 minutes for discussion)


ModeratorProfessor Jin Zhesong, Doctoral Advisor, Department of International Trade and Economics, School of Finance , CUFE

Papers and Presenters:

• The Stakes of China in the Global Economic Debacle : Less to Lose, More to Gain

(Kwangbong Lee 、 Zou Zhixia, Inje University, ROK)

• A Study of Monetary Policy Conducting in the Open Economy in Transitional China

(BIAN Zhi-cun, Institute of Finance & Banking, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, School of Business, Nanjing Normal University; LI Hua-wei, School of Business, Nanjing Normal University, China)

• Total Factor Productivity and Economic Growth in Macao

(Zhuo Shuaihe, Zhe Dongdong, University of Macau )

• Gold Price and Economy Activity: Analysis on Gold Market and Its Signification of Monetary policy

(Liu Ming, Institution of Agriculture Development, Western China Institution of Financing; LI Na, Western China Institution of Financing, Shaanxi Normal University, China )

• Empirical Study On Current Account Effect of RMB' Exchange Rate

(Zhang Zhengrong, School of Economics and Management, Zhejiang Sci-Tech University , China )

• Exchange Rate and Export Prices Pass-through: an Extension of the Cournot Model

(Wu Dongli, Qu Zhaoguang, Department of Finance, Shenyang Agricultural University, China; Zhang Liqing, School of Finance, Central University of Finance and Economics, China)

• An Empirical Study on Effects of Exchange Rate Volatility on China 's Exports USA

(Sheng Chaoxun, School of Business , Renmin University of China )

• Transformation and Upgrading of China's Defense Science and Technology Industry

(Fan Zhaozhen, Instute Defence Economic and management, Central University of Finance and Economics , China )

• Determinants of Renminbi REER: 1994-2008

(Huang Changli, School of Finance , Central University of Finance and Economics , China )

• Fiscal Administration of Personal Revenues, In the Post-Soviet Market Transition Economic: Experience of Ukraine

(Slavkova A, Department of Finance, Kyiv National Economic University, Ukrain)


Tea Break

Topic Two: Financial Crisis(10 minutes for every speaker, 10 minutes for discussion)


Moderator: Professor Han Fuling, Director of Department of Applied Finance, School of Finance , CUFE

Papers and Presenters

• Subprime Mortgage Crisis in U.S. : Background, Causes and Some Enlightenments

(Liu Xinghua, School of Finance , Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics , China )

• Eolutionary Phases of Financial Crisis and Checking to the United States

( Yao Jinhai, Center of Social Security Research, Wuhan University , China )

• Rethinking of the United States ' Measures to Prevent the Financial Crisis

(Li Ruiqin, School of Finance , Central University of Finance and Economics , China )

• Subprime Debt Crisis: an Analysis and Implications

(Zhao Handan, School of International Business, Southwest University of Finance and Economics , China )

• Impact on China of U.S. 'Subprime Debt Crisis and Policy Studies

(Gong Jianhui , China Enterprises International Development Association)

• U.S. 'Subprime Debt Crisis, From the Perspective of China

(Guo Jianwei, Department of Finance, Jiangnan University, China; Peng Zhiqing, Zhao Qinghua, Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

• Subprime Crisis Warns Local Banks Strengthening Enterprise-wide Risk Management

(Dong Rufang, Wu Yajun, Wang Zhihong, College of Business Administration, Liaoning Technical University , China )

• On China 's Early Warning System of Financial Security

( Zhang Changquan , Anhui University of Finance and Economics , China ; Liang jizhou, Agricultural Bank of China )

Introduction to Keynote Speakers and Panelists

Chen Xingdong

Chen Xingdongis the managing director, and chief economist of China region in BNP as Securities ( Asia ) Ltd. His main research interests are finance and macroeconomics.

Guo Tianyong

Guo Tianyongis a professor of Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE). His main research interests are banking industry management and its reform policy.

Huang Haizhou

Huang Haizhouis the managing director of research department and head of Strategic Group of China International Capital Corporation Limited. His current research focuses on corporate finance, financial crisis, international finance and monetary policy.

Huang Yiping

Huang Yipingis the chief economist of Asia-Pacific region in Citigroup. His main research interests are macroeconomic policy, financial reform and agriculture development.

Liu Xiliang

Liu Xiliangis a professor and assistant president of the Southwestern University of Finance and Economics. His interest fields are monetary theory and policy and financial supervision.

Ma Jiantang

Ma Jiantangis the governor of the National Bureau of Statistics of China, His research interests are enterprise behavior, industrial structure, industrial organization and macroeconomics.

McKinnon, I. Ronald

Ronald I. McKinnonis William D. Eberle Professor of International Economics Stanford University . McKinnon is an applied economist whose primary interests are international economics and economic development-with strong secondary interests in transitional economies and fiscal federalism.

Pang Jinju

Pang Jinju is a professor in economics and the director of Center for Studies of Political Economy of Nankai University, Chairman of Economics Teaching Steering Committee of Minister of Education of China. His research interests are the basic theory of political economy, market economy theory and Chinese economic system reform, macro-economy control and studies.

Qi Bin

Qi Binis the director of research center of China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC). His main research interest is the securities market.

Shi Jianping

Shi Jianping is a professor and assistant president of the Central University of Finance and Economics. His research area includes bank management, financial risk management, financial system reform, operation mechanism of capital market, corporate finance.

Tam, K. On

On Kit Tamis deputy dean, International in the Faculty of Business and Economics. His main research interests are monetary management, financial development, and corporate governance in the Asia Pacific region, with particular reference to China .

Volz, Ulrich

Ulrich Volzis senior research fellow at German Development Institute, the Hamburg Institute of International Economics (HWWA) and the Free University of Berlin. His research interests focus on international financial markets, monetary and financial co-operation and integration, and development and transition economics.

Wang Dongming

Wang Dongming,chairman of CITIC Securities Co., Ltd.

Wang Guangqian

Wang Guangqianis the president of Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE). He is also vice president of China 's Finance Studies . His main research interests are finance and macro-economics.

Wang Songqi

Wang Songqiis a professor of finance and the vice director of Institute of Finance and Banking, CASS. His main research interests are capital market and finance.

Wu Xiaoqiu

WU Xiaoqiuis the assistant president, executive deputy dean of Graduate School and director of Finance and Securities Institute of Renmin University of China (FSI), Changjiang Scholar Professor. His research interests are capital market.

Woo, T. Wing

Wing Thye Woo, professor in the Department of Economics, University of California at Davis and is Changjiang Scholar Professor of Central University of Finance and Economics. His current research focuses on the economic issues of East Asia (particularly, China and Indonesia ), international financial architecture, economic growth, and exchange rate economics.

Xiao Geng

Xiao Geng, director of Brookings-Tsinghua Center for Public Policy in Beijing and Senior Fellow of John L. Thorton China Center, Foreign Policy Studies Program, His main research interests are Chinese enterprises, finance, and institutional reform and development.

Yan Bingzhu

Yan Bingzhu, chairman of Bank of Beijing. Mr. Yan has devoted to the management of banking for more than 30years. His main research interests are the sustainable development of commercial banks as well as risk management.

Yang Zaiping

Yang Zaipingis executive vice president of China Banking Association.

Zhang Jie

Zhang Jieis a professor and the vice president of School of Finance of Renmin University of China. He is also the director, of China Financial Policy Research Center . The major research area includes monetary and financial policy, financial system and financial development.

Zhang Liqing

Zhang Liqingis a professor of international finance, dean of the School of Finance and director of International Finance Studies with Central University of Finance and Economics. His main research interests are finance and macroeconomics.

Zhong Wei

Zhong Wei, professor and director of Finance Research Center of Beijing Normal University of China . His main research interests are bank risk management and foreign exchange rate economics.

Schoolof Finance, Central University of

Finance and Economics (CUFE)

The School of Finance of the Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE), formerly known as the Department of Finance, was founded in 1949, and it is one of the most important and earliest-established schools for training financial talent following the founding of People's Republic of China . In 1953 and 1956, the Department of Finance started graduate programmes in Finance and programme for overseas students, respectively. In 1960, the first undergraduate programme for majors in Finance in China was established by the Department of Finance at CUFE. In 2002, the Finance Major at CUFE was appraised as a National Key Discipline by the Ministry of Education.. In 2005, the International Economics and Trade Major was chosen as the Key Discipline at CUFE. In 2002, And in 2005, CUFE selected International Economics and Trade as Key Major.

There are five departments in the School of Finance : Department of Finance, Department of Applied Finance, Department of Financial Engineering, Department of International Finance, and Department of International Economics and Trade. There are also three research institutions: Centre for International Finance Studies of CUFE, Institute for Securities and Futurese of CUFE, and Centre for China Banking Industry Studies. The school has all the three teaching levels of undergraduate, postgraduate and doctorate. There are three undergraduate majors: Finance, International Trade and Financial Engineering and beginning in 2004, the newly added Sino-Australian cooperative program of International Trade and Financial Risk Management. There are four graduate majors: Finance, International Trade and Economics, International Finance, and Securities Investment. There are two doctoral majors: Finance and International Trade. Concurrently, the school has the finance (under the subject of Applied Economics) post-doctoral workstation. The school's teaching and research fields include monetary theory and policy, micro-finance and financial engineering, international trade theory and practice, international capital flow, and more. As for curriculum design, the money and banking courses have been selected as the “Best Course in China ”, and the securities investment course is chosen as “Best Course in Beijing .” Currently CUFE School of Finance has more than 1100 undergraduates, more than 400 graduate and Ph.D. students, and more than 200 part-time graduate students.

The school has many well-known professors and scholars; in all the school has 51 full-time faculties. Among them, 16 professors; and 18 associate professors; most of them have doctoral degrees; 6 teachers have been awarded Special Governmental Allowances of the State Council; 2 professors have been selected as candidates for the national “Project for Millions of Talents;” 1 teacher has been awarded the national “Famous Professor Award” for higher-educational institutions; and 4 teachers are supported by “Program for New Century Excellent Talents” by the Ministry of Education. World-famous economists such as Joseph E. Stiglitz, Ronald I. McKinnon, John Williamson and Wing Thye Woo have been invited to be honorary professors or visiting professors at the school.

The School has had great achievements in scientific research and social service. In the past 10 years, teachers of the school have overseen or been involved in more than 40 national-level or provincial/ministerial-level scientific research programs, obtained more than 20 awards of provincial/ministerial-level and above, published more than 1000 research papers and more than 120 books, including monographs, translations, course books and reference books. With regard to social services, the School's teachers are actively involved in social activities, such as the formulation of governmental policies, decision-making in enterprise and personnel training by making full use of their professional knowledge. They are all highly regarded throughout the nation. CUFE School of Finance has built extensive close relationships with universities, research institutions, academic organizations, and governments at home and abroad in order to promote academic communication and educational cooperation.

Brookings-TsinghuaCenterfor Public Policy

On October 24, 2006 , the Brookings Institution's John L. Thornton China Center and China 's Tsinghua University founded a joint center for Chinese public policy research at the university's School of Public Policy and Management in Beijing , China . As the institution's first international center, the Brookings-Tsinghua Center for Public Policy (BTC) is a leader in Brookings's evolution into a global think tank with on-the-ground research support capacity for scholars in the region. Under the direction of Dr. Geng Xiao, the BTC provides cutting-edge research, analysis, dialogue, and publications that focus on the challenges, opportunities, and implications of China 's rapid development.

The BTC addresses a wide range of challenges and issues that are critical to China 's modernization. While the Center's research agenda is dynamic and responsive to new developments, major areas of on-going research and analysis include:

• Financial Sector Reform: China 's financial sector is the linchpin for many of the country's policies and initiatives. The BTC financial sector research project focuses on finding ways to absorb and integrate technical knowledge and insights derived from both foreign and domestic financial experts.

• Health Care Reform: China is currently rebuilding its health care system and infrastructure. The BTC's research and programming efforts in this area are geared towards providing innovative policy options and solutions. On-going dialogues have focused on bottle-necks in the system, the roles of competition and regulation in health care markets, comparative studies of health care systems and their lessons for China, and how best to provide health care for the poor.

• Energy and Environment: China 's economic growth hinges on its ability to secure energy resources and ensure that they are used in a manner that is efficient and environmentally-sustainable. The Brookings-Tsinghua Center is engaged in on-going research into the domestic challenges and consequences of China 's energy policies. Other important topics include the implications for the international community of China 's increasing energy demand.

The BTC hosts a number of events in Beijing every year that serve as venues for senior Chinese and American officials, business leaders, and experts to discuss policy issues relevant to China's development. In addition to public programs in Beijing , the BTC also holds private roundtable discussions with Chinese officials, scholars, and visiting delegations. The BTC also organizes meetings where multiple delegations from around the world can discuss the challenges and implications of China 's growth from a global perspective.

MonashUniversityFaculty of Business and Economics

Monash University is a dynamic and internationally recognized university with a long established tradition of excellence in education. It consists of 10 faculties and offers 978 kinds of degree programs to students.

Monash University is ranked within the top 40 world universities (ranked 33) by the Times Higher Education Supplement 2006. As one of Australia 's leading Group of Eight (Go8) universities, it is recognised for its excellence in research, teaching and scholarship.

The Faculty of Business and Economics is a leader in the broad discipline areas of Accounting and Finance, Business Law and Taxation, Econometrics and Business Statistics, Economics, Management and Marketing, with more than 15,000 students studying and researching. In 2006, the Monash Master of Business Administration (MBA) was ranked number 3 in the world for the category of “Personal development and educational experience” (The Economist Intelligence Unit Survey of MBA Programs, 2006).Overall it was ranked 49 in the world, the highest ranked MBA in Australia.

The Faculty of Business and Economics has been awarded International Business School Accreditation by the Brussels-based European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS). The accreditation established the faculty as one of the world leading institutions in business and management. More information can be found at website:http://www.buseco.monash.edu.au

Centre for International Finance Studies, CUFE

The Centre for International Finance Studies of CUFE was founded in September 2003. The centre concentrates on studies of the latest theoretical developments and policy practices in international financial fields. It aims at providing services such as informational and decision-making consulting for the government sector, financial institutions, and business. Study areas include international finance, international investment, international financial markets, macroeconomics, and corporate finance. Professor Zhang Liqing, the Dean of the School of Finance , is also the Director of the centre. Since the founding of the centre, it has organized many international academic lectures and seminars, including “The Revolution of Exchange Rate-- International Experiences and China 's Choices,” “Adjustment of Global Imbalances: Macroeconomic Policies and Institutional Reform.” All these activities have had a great positive social impact.

Institute for Securities and Futures, CUFE

The Institute for Securities and Futures was founded in April 1994, and is the first high-level institute engaged in securities and futures research. The institute was initially proposed by the famous finance expert Liu Guangdi and founded with the approval of CUFE. Professor He Qiang, a famous finance expert, is the present director of the institute. There are 22 members at the institute including domestic economic experts such as Wu Jinglian and Xiao Zhuoji as senior advisors. Since its establishment, the institute has been actively exploring issues of domestic capital markets and economic development, systematically tracking the securities market and studying in depth the reorganization of enterprise assets, the rebuilding of state enterprise stock and macroeconomic prediction. It has obtained numerous achievements and had a great social impact.

Centre for China Banking Industry Studies, CUFE

The Centre for China Banking Industry Studies at CUFE was founded in September 2005. The members of the centre are experts and professors from CUFE, related financial institutes, national-level agencies and other high-level academic institutes and experts. The main research areas include development policies and theories in the banking industry, commercial bank management theory and practice, innovation of products and services in commercial banking, technology and methods of commercial banking risk management, theory and practice of fund industry development, legal issues in bank management, and other theoretical and practical problems related to development of the banking industry.

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