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[发布日期]:2018-07-03  [浏览次数]:

Financial Analyst Journal, Volume 70, Issue1, 2014


作者:Xi Li (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology),

Rodney N. Sullivan (CFA Institute)

Luis Garcia-Feijóo (Florida Atlantic University)


The Limits to Arbitrage and the Low-Volatility Anomaly

Xi Li (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology), Rodney N. Sullivan (CFA Institute), Luis Garcia-Feijóo (Florida Atlantic University)


The authors found that over 1963–2010, the existence and trading efficacy of the low-volatility stock anomaly were more limited than widely believed. For example, they found no anomalous returns for equal-weighted long–short (low-risk minus high-risk) portfolios and that alpha is largely eliminated when omitting low-priced stocks from value-weighted long–short portfolios. Furthermore, performance of long–short portfolios was significantly reduced by high transaction costs, reflecting the finding that the abnormal returns were concentrated among low-liquidity and smaller stocks. Amplifying liquidity needs, the anomalous excess returns quickly reversed, requiring frequent rebalancing. The authors’ findings have meaningful implications for implementing low-risk equity portfolio strategies.




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