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【Pacific-Basin Finance Journal】真实盈余管理是如何影响现金持有的价值?信息和代理角度之间的比较

[发布日期]:2018-07-03  [浏览次数]:

Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, Volume 51, October 2018


作者:Che-Chia Chang (Tunghai University, Taiwan, China),

Li-Han Kao (Soochow University, Taiwan, China)

Hsin-Yu Chen (Providence University, Taiwan, China)


How does real earnings management affect the value of cash holdings? Comparisons between information and agency perspectives

Che-Chia Chang (Tunghai University, Taiwan, China), Li-Han Kao (Soochow University, Taiwan, China), Hsin-Yu Chen (Providence University, Taiwan, China)


In this paper, we investigate whether real earnings management is associated with the precautionary benefits or agency costs of cash holdings. We find that real earnings management impairs the value of cash holdings. However, the value of cash holdings is not associated with accrual-based earnings management, which has no effect on cash flows. Our results show that real earnings management impairs the value of cash holdings mainly in firms having potential agency problems or firms facing financial constraints. Moreover, our results indicate that different means of real earnings management influence cash flows from operating, investing, or financing activities, and impair the value of cash flows from the respective business activities. Overall, our results support the conclusion that real earnings management is associated with the agency costs of cash holdings.



上一条:【JFE】股市如何吸收冲击? 下一条:【FAJ】对套利的限制和低波动异象
