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[发布日期]:2017-07-28  [浏览次数]:

Critical Finance Review, 2012, 2: 1–48


作者:Ravi Bansal (Duke University and NBER), Dana Kiku (University of Pennsylvania), Amir Yaron (University of Pennsylvania and NBER)



An Empirical Evaluation of the Long-Run Risks Model for Asset Prices

Ravi Bansal (Duke University and NBER), Dana Kiku (University of Pennsylvania), Amir Yaron (University of Pennsylvania and NBER)


We provide an empirical evaluation of the Long-Run Risks (LRR) model, and highlight important differences in the asset pricing implications of the LRR model relative to the habit model. We feature three key results: (i) consistent with the LRR model there is considerable evidence in the data for time-varying expected consumption growth and consumption volatility, (ii) the LRR model matches the key asset markets data features, (iii) in the data and in the LRR model accordingly, lagged consumption growth does not predict the future price-dividend ratio, while in the habit-model it counterfactually predicts the future price-dividend with an of over 40%. Overall, we find considerable empirical support for the LRR model.

Keywords: the Long-Run Risks model, asset prices, empirical evaluation, habit model



上一条:【RAS】基于风险的预测、规划和管理盈利预测 下一条:【RF】对冲基金复制:采用模型组合的方式
