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[发布日期]:2017-06-05  [浏览次数]:

Journal of Banking & Finance · Vol.80·JULY 2017


作者:Aditya Kaul(University of Alberta School of Business, School of Business, University of Alberta, Canada), Nuri Volkan Kayacetin (Faculty of Economics of Sciences, Ozyegin University, Turkey)



Flight-to-quality, economic fundamentals, and stock returns

Aditya Kaul(University of Alberta School of Business, School of Business, University of Alberta, 2-32 G Business Building, Edmonton T6G2R6, Alberta, Canada), Nuri Volkan Kayacetin (Faculty of Economics of Sciences, Ozyegin University, Nisantepe Mah. Orman Sok. No 34-36, Alemdag/Cekmekoy, 34794, Istanbul, Turkey)


We find that the order flow differential (OFD), a flight-to-quality measure constructed as the difference between large- and small-cap stock order flows, strongly and negatively forecasts output growth and interest rates in the U.S. The predictive ability of OFD for future macroeconomic fundamentals is robust to the inclusion of return factors and business cycle predictors, and it is thus a state variable candidate in the spirit of Merton (1973). Consistent with this view, we document that OFD commands a statistically significant negative risk premium in cross-sectional asset pricing tests.

Keywords: Order flow, Flight-to-quality, Economic conditions, Hedging; Liquidity, SMB




上一条:【CAR】应计项目与未来业绩:是否可以归因于风险? 下一条:【RAPS】特质风险变动和特质风险-收益关系
