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[发布日期]:2017-04-22  [浏览次数]:

Contemporary Accounting Research ·Volume 33, Issue 2· June 2016


作者:David Johnstone (University of Sydney)


The Effect of Information on Uncertainty and the Cost of Capital

David Johnstone (University of Sydney)


It is widely held that better financial reporting makes investors more confident in their predictions of future cash flows and reduces their required risk premia. The logic is that more information leads necessarily to more certainty, and hence lower subjective estimates of firm “beta” or covariance with other firms. This is misleading on both counts. Bayesian logic shows that the best available information can often leave decision makers less certain about future events. And for those cases where information indeed brings great certainty, conventional mean-variance asset-pricing models imply that more certain estimates of future cash payoffs can sometimes bring a higher cost of capital. This occurs when new or better information leads to sufficiently reduced expected firm payoffs. To properly understand the effect of signal quality on the cost of capital, it is essential to think of what that information says, rather than considering merely its “precision,” or how strongly it says what it says.



上一条:【JCF】为什么IPO发行人保证承销商的超额配售选择权? 下一条:【Financial Analysts Journal】期权隐含权益风险和股票回报横截面
